Trustee Message

Trustee Message

What our trustee says...

Pravin lunkad

Mr. Praveen Lunkad

( Founder - Suraj Foundation )

Dear Student,

You are welcome to join Suraj Foundation a Charitable Educational Organization registered under the Indian Trust Act 1882, to pursue your chosen education, which we have initiated in western Maharashtra. The focus that is followed in Suraj Foundation is providing Quality Education, Enhancing Employability & Fostering Entrepreneurship. The time has come that India is surging towards economic super power status, propelled by its intellectual capital the country's educated employed work force.

Our education system is the fuel energizing this journey process. We have noted merely class room education is not sufficient in today's contest to get the employment hence we have introduced employable skills in all the career courses that we provide to enhance the employability.

Our biggest asset is our Trained and Qualified Instructors / Professors. They will sure enhance your attitude, hone your skills & empower you with knowledge, training you the way the industry appreciates. They will be your guides, mentors & friends counseling & assisting you as long as you are here.

- Mr. Praveen Lunkad, Founder

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