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Nav Krishna Valley Gurukul (Residential School) - Code Of Conduct
Nav Krishna Valley Gurukul (Residential School)
Code Of Conduct
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Code Of Conduct
A. Every student must
Come to school in neat, clean and proper uniform with shoes well polished.
Be regular in attendance.
Be punctual.
Attend assembly without fail.
Honest at work and always be considerate towards right of others.
Be courteous and respectful towards parents, teachers and visitors.
Look after and protect the property of school. Keep it clean and tidy.
Keep the classrooms neat and throw wastes papers/wrappers etc. in waste paper basket.
Reach the classroom as soon as warning bell goes or recess is over.
Have a sportsmen spirit at all time, be fair.
B. Student must not
Bring articles of value such as rings or other pieces of jewel to the school. The school will not be held responsible for the loss of such articles.
Lend or borrow money or other articles.
Shout or make noise in the school building or create confusion in the auditorium or class room.
Leave cycles unlocked or ride in the school compound.
Bring electronic gadgets like the mobile phones, cameras, cutting instruments into the school. If brought they will be confiscated.
Burst crackers or splash colors during Diwali / Holi or any other occasion in the school premises or in the school buses.
C. Points to remember
Never omit the lesson or home work assigned. It is like missing a train that you never catch afterwards.
Never postpone what you can do today.
Live well by doing everything well.
Get the progress Report signed by the parent/guardian within 3 days of its receipt. Forged signature, if detected will invite disciplinary action.
Obey class monitors, house captains and other Students on duty.
Students behavior in and outside the school shall be exemplary. Any deviation can lead to consideration for suspension.
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