Nav Krishna Valley School (CBSE) - CBSE Circulars

CBSE Circulars

CBSE Circulars documents from below links

CBSE Notifications

Notifications No. Month Subject
08_Notification_2025 January Result of the Skill Expo Regional Event held at Pune (The Orchid School) on 21st January 2025, is declared as under:
07_Notification_2025 January RESULT OF 2ND EXPRESSION SERIES FOR THE SESSION 2024-25
06_Notification_2025 January Exposure Visit of CBSE School Principals to Organizations/ Institutions of Eminence in India
05_Notification_2025 January Online Capacity Building Program for teachers on Multi Skill Foundation Course (Skill Subject- Code- 416) offered in classes IX and X
04_Notification_2025 January Subject - Training/Capacity building program for the teachers teaching ‘Information Technology (Sub. Code – 402) as a Skill Subject in the CBSE affiliated Schools - reg
03_Notification_2025 January Result of the Skill Expo Regional Event held at Delhi (Mehta Vidyalaya Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan) on 27th December 2024, is declared as under:
02_Notification_2025 January Subject: Schedule of Skill Expo 2024- Regional Event at Pune for Pune RO jurisdiction – reg
01_Notification_2025 January CBSE Skill Expo and Guidance Festival 2024 - Culmination Event
150_Notification_2024 December Subject: One Day Teachers Training Program for Skill Course ‘Herbal Heritage’ (Subject Code – 924A, 924B, 924C) Class VI – VIII (ONLINE MODE)
149_Notification_2024 December Interactive session on various initiatives of CBSE for promoting Skill Education in schools at Muzaffarnagar
148_Notification_2024 December Training program for teachers teaching Artificial Intelligence to Senior Secondary classes at Bhubaneswar, Odisha in offline mode
147_Notification_2024 November In continuation of the Notification dated 19/11/2024, it is informed that the Regional Round of Science Exhibition at ASN Sr. Secondary School, May
146_Notification_2024 November Interactive session on various initiatives of CBSE as per the recommendations of NEP 2020 at Bokaro, Jharkhand
145_Notification_2024 November कौशल निषय के रूप मेंखाद्य उत्पादि (उप. कोड - 409/809) पढािेिालेनशक्षकोोंके नलए एक नदिसीय नशक्षक प्रनशक्षण/क्षमता निमााण कायाक्रम - सोंबोंि में।
144_Notification_2024 November कौशल निषय के रूप मेंमास मीनिया स्टिीज़ (उप कोि–835) पढािेिालेनशक्षकोोंके नलए एक नदिसीय नशक्षक प्रनशक्षण/क्षमता निमााण कायाक्रम - सोंबोंि में।
143_Notification_2024 November कौशल निषय के रूप मेंटेक्सटाइल निजाइि (कोि-829) पढािेिालेनशक्षकोोंके नलए एक नदिसीय नशक्षक प्रनशक्षण/क्षमता निमााण कायाक्रम - सोंबोंि में।
142_Notification_2024 November Subject: Postponement of Skill Expo & Guidance Festival 2024 - Regional Event for Pune Regional Office - reg
141_Notification_2024 November Subject: Postponement of Skill Expo & Guidance Festival 2024 - Regional Event for Delhi (East) & Delhi (West) Regional Offices - reg
140_Notification_2024 November CBSE 2 nd Annual National Summit on 'Facilitating School to Work Transition'
139_Notification_2024 November NOTIFICATION
137_Notification_2024 November Result of the CBSE Heritage India Quiz-2024 (Stage-1) Online Test
136_Notification_2024 November मवषयः कक्षा XI-XII में'मवत्तीय बाजाि प्रबंिन पढानेवालेमशक्षकोंके मलए क्षमता मनमाडण कायडक्रम (सी. बी. पी.)
135_Notification_2024 November Exposure Visit of CBSE School Principals to Organizations/ Institutions of Eminence in India
134_Notification_2024 November CORRIGENDUM
132_Notification_2024 November In continuation of the Notification Dated 22/10/2024, it is informed that due to administrative reasons, the date for the Regional Round of Science Exhibition at Ghaziabad City, is rescheduled as under:
133_Norification_2024 November Interactive session on various initiatives of CBSE as per the recommendations of NEP 2020 at Shahjahanpur
131_Notification_2024 November कौशल िवषय के ŝप मŐफै शन अȯयन (कोड-837) पढ़ानेवालेिशƗकोंके िलएएकिदवसीयिशƗकŮिशƗण/Ɨमता िनमाŊण कायŊŢम - संबंध मŐ।
130_Notification_2024 October Subject: Training/Capacity Building Programs for the teachers teaching ‘Automotive’ (Sub. Code 404/804) and ‘Web Application’ (Sub. Code – 803) as a Skill Subject in the CBSE affiliated schools – reg.
129_Notification_2024 October Subject: Change of dates of Skill Expo & Guidance Festival 2024 for Dehradun, Pune and Vijayawada Regional Events and notification for Delhi (East) & Delhi (West) Regional Offices - reg
128_Notification_2024 October Result CBSE Science Challenge 2024-25
127_Notification_2024 October In continuation of the Notification Dated 22/10/2024, it is informed that due to administrative reasons, the date for the Regional Round of Science Exhibition at Mumbai City, is rescheduled as under:
126_Notification_2024 October In continuation to Circular No. Acad-71/2024 dated 16.08.2024, it is informed that the CBSE Regional Science Exhibitions 2024-25 shall be held as per the following schedule:
125_Notification_2024 October With reference to circular no. Acad-72/2024 dated 21st August, 2024 for the CBSE Heritage India Quiz, the details of the first round of Online quiz are as follows: -
123_Notification_2024 October कौशल निषय के रूप मेंखाद्य उत्पादि (उप. कोड - 409/809) पढािेिालेनशक्षकोोंके नलए एक नदिसीय नशक्षक प्रनशक्षण/क्षमता निमााण कायाक्रम - सोंबोंि में।
124_Notification_2024 October Result of the Skill Expo regional events held at Coimbatore (SSVM World School), Chandigarh (Chitkara International School) and Lucknow (Seth Anandram Jaipuria School) held on 18th September, 2024, 28th September, 2024 and 30th September, 2024, respectively are declared as under:
122_Notification_2024 October कौशल निषय के रूप मेंव्यिसाय प्रशासि (निषय कोड-833) पढािेिालेनशक्षकोोंके नलए एक नदिसीय नशक्षक प्रनशक्षण/क्षमता निमााण कायाक्रम - सोंबोंि में।
121_Notification_2024 October Special Session on Emerging Tech and Education
120_Notification_2024 October Subject: Calendar for One Day Teachers Training Program for Skill Course ‘Yoga (841)’ Offline Mode
119_Notification_2024 October Subject: One Day Teachers Training Program for Skill Course ‘Marketing’ (Subject Code–907A, 907B, 907C), Class VI–VIII (ONLINE MODE)
118_Notification_2024 October Subject: Training/Capacity Building Programs for the teachers teaching ‘Information Technology’ (Sub. Code – 402/802) as a Skill Subject in the CBSE affiliated schools – reg.
117_Notification_2024 September Subject: One Day Teachers Training Program for Skill Course ‘Library & Information Science (836)’- Offline Mode.
116_Notification_2024 September CENTRAL BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION (An Autonomous Organisation Under the Ministry of Education, Govt. of India) RESULT OF 1st EXPRESSION SERIES FOR THE SESSION 2024-25
115_Notification_2024 September Online Capacity Building Programmes (CBPs) for teachers teaching Artificial Intelligence to Class IX & X
114_Notification_2024 September Result of the Skill Expo regional events held at Mysore (DPS Mysore), Kota (Nalanda Academy Senior Secondary School, Kota) and Bhopal (Delhi Public School, Bhopal) held on 31st July, 2024, 3rd August, 2024 and 23rd August, 2024, respectively, is notified as under:
113_Notification_2024 September Subject: One Day Teachers Training Programme for Skill Course ‘Life Cycle of Medicine & Vaccine (subject code - 914), Things You should know about keeping Medicines at home (subject code - 915), what to do when Doctor is not around (subject code - 916)’, Class VI-VIII (ONLINE MODE).
112_Notification_2024 September Teacher Training programme for teachers teaching Artificial Intelligence to Senior Secondary classes at Noida, Uttar Pradesh in offline mode
111_Notification_2024 September Teacher Training programme for teachers teaching Artificial Intelligence to Senior Secondary classes at Delhi in offline mode
110_Notification_2024 September Online Bootcamp for the students studying Artificial Intelligence as a Skill subject in classes IX & X
109_Notification_2024 September Schedule of the training programs on ‘Design Thinking and Innovation’ (Skill subject) in face-to-face mode
108_Notification_2024 September कौशल निषय के रूप मेंटेक्सटाइल निजाइि (कोि-829) पढािेिालेनशक्षकोोंके नलए एक नदिसीय नशक्षक प्रनशक्षण/क्षमता निमााण कायाक्रम - सोंबोंि में।
107_Notification_2024 September Webinars on pilot implementation programme of the NCrF guidelines in CBSE schools w.e.f. session 2024-2025
106_Notification_2024 September ववषय - कें द्रीय माध्यशमक शिक्षा बोर्ड से सांबद्ध स्कू लों में कौिल ववषय के रूप में 'मल्टीमीदर्या' (ववषय कोर् - 415/821) और आिुशलवप (अांग्रेजी) (ववषय कोर् - 825) पढाने वाले शिक्षकों के शलए शिक्षक प्रशिक्षण/क्षमता शनमाडण कायडक्रम का आयोजन |
105_Notification_2024 August One Day training program for the teachers teaching ‘Agriculture’ (Sub. Code – 408 & 808) as a Skill Subject – reg
104_Notification_2024 August Exposure Visit of CBSE School Principals to Organizations/ Institutionsof Eminence in India
103_Notification_2024 August कौशल निषय के रूप मेंव्यिसाय प्रशासि (निषय कोड-833) पढािेिालेनशक्षकोोंके नलए एक नदिसीय नशक्षक प्रनशक्षण/क्षमता निमााण कायाक्रम - सोंबोंि में।
102_Notification_2024 August विषय:- िैक्षणिक सत्र 2024-25 के शिए X और XII कक्षा के शिए प्रनिदिश प्रश्ि पत्र (एसक्यूपी) – के सन्दर्श में I
100_Notification_2024 August In continuation of the Notification No. Skill-92/2024 dated 16/08/2024 issued regarding organizing of Skill Expo and Guidance Festival-2024 at the various venues across the country, it is hereby informed that, due to administrative reasons, dates/venues of the following regional events have been changed:
99_Notification_2024 August यह अधिसूचना संख्या 94 धिनांक 19.08.2024 कौशल धिषय के रूप मेंप्रारंधिक बाल्यािस्था िेखिाल एिं धशक्षा (कोड-842) पढानेिालेधशक्षकोंके धलए एक धििसीय धशक्षक प्रधशक्षण/क्षमता धनमााण कायाक्रम के संििा में है।
98_Notification_2024 August Invitation to participate in the ‘Future Tech for Sustainability Program’ in collaboration with IBM SkillsBuild Platform
77_Circular_2024 August Subject: Swachhata Pakhwada – reg.
97_Notification_2024 August Special online session on Emerging Technologies and overview of revised curriculum of AI for classes XI & XII
96_Notification_2024 August कौशल नशक्षा निभाग, सीबीएसई उल्लिल्लित नििरण के अिुसार कौशल निषय के रूप में‘िाद्य पोषण और आहार निज्ञाि (निषय कोड – 834)’ पढािेिालेनशक्षकोोंके नलए एक नदिसीय प्रनशक्षण / क्षमता निमााण कायाक्रम आयोनित करिेिा रहा है:
95_Notification_2024 August Subject - Training/Capacity building programs for the teachers teaching ‘INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY’ (Sub. Code - 802) as a Skill Subject in the CBSE affiliated Schools -reg
94_Notification_2024 August कौिल शिक्षा शवभाग,सीबीएसई नीचे शदए गए शववरण के अनुसार सीबीएसई से संबद्ध स्कू लों में कौिल शवषयों के रूप में पढाने वाले शिक्षकों के शलए एक शदवसीय प्रशिक्षण/क्षमता शनमााण कायाक्रम आयोशित करने िा रहा ह
93_Notification_2024 August One Day Capacity Building Programme for teachers teaching Artificial Intelligence to Secondary classes at Chandigarh
92_Notification_2024 August Skill Expo and Guidance Festival – 2024: Intimation of Venues for Regional Events – reg.
91_Notification_2024 August Subject: Organizing Expo on Technology Applications in Logistics & Supply Chain Management in Collaboration with Logistics Sector Skill Council - reg.
90_Notification_2024 August शवषयः कक्षा XI-XII में' पयडटन ' पढानेवालेशिक्षकोंके शलए क्षमता शनमाडण कायडक्रम (सी. बी. पी.)।
89_Notification_2024 August CORRIGENDUM
88_Notification_2024 August NOTIFICATION
87_Notification_2024 August शिषय: एं टरप्रेन्योरशिप सेल, आईआईटी बॉम्बे द्वारा स्कू ल के छात्रों के शलए शबज़नेस मॉर्ल प्रशतयोशिता
86_Notification_2024 July कौिल शवषय बैंशकं ग पर ऑनलाइन जागरूकता सीबीएसई से संबद्ध स्कू लों के प्रिानाचायों और शिक्षकों के शलए
85_Notification_2024 July कौशल धिषय के रूप में“व्यिसाय प्रशासन (धिषय कोड-833)” पढानेिालेधशक्षकोोंके धलए एक धििसीय धशक्षक प्रधशक्षण/क्षमता धनमााण कायाक्रम - सोंबोंि में।
84_Notification_2024 July Invitation to join the webinar on “Impact of Automotive Technology on Society”
83_Notification_2024 July Subject: Faculty orientation cum awareness program for Principals of CBSE affiliated Schools in collaboration with Logistics Sector Skill Council for the skill subject ‘Land Transportation Associate (Class XI – XII)’
82_Notification_2024 July Invitation to join the webinar on “Impact of Automotive Technology on Society”
81_Notification_2024 July कौशल शशक्षा शिभाग,सीबीएसई नीचेशिए गए शििरण के अनुसार सीबीएसई सेसंबद्ध स्कू ल ंम
80_Notification_2024 July Capacity Building Programmes (CBPs) for teachers teaching Artificial Intelligence in Class XI & XII in collaboration with IBM
79_Notification_2024 July YOUTH IDEATHON 2024
78_Notification_2024 July Teacher Training programme for teachers teaching Artificial Intelligence to secondary classes at Meerut in offline mode
77_Notification_2024 July Teacher Training programme for teachers teaching Artificial Intelligence to Senior Secondary classes at Chennai in offline mode
76_Notification_2024 July मवषयः कक्षा XI-XII में'मवत्तीय बाजार प्रबंिि' पढािेवालेमिक्षकोंके मलए क्षमता मिमाडण कायडक्रम (सी. बी. पी.)।
75_Notification_2024 July Exposure Visit of CBSE School Principals to Organizations/ Institutions of Eminence in India
74_Notification_2024 July CORRIGENDUM
73_Notification_2024 July Exposure Visit of CBSE School Principals to Organizations/ Institutionsof Eminence in India
72_Notification_2024 July कौशल निषय के रूप मेंसुरक्षा (403) पढािेिालेनशक्षक ों के नलए एक नदिसीय नशक्षक प्रनशक्षण/क्षमता निमााण कायाक्रम - सोंबोंि में।
71_Notification_2024 July One Day Teacher’s Training/Capacity Building program for the teachers teaching Food Production (Sub. Code – 409/809) as a Skill Subject - reg.
70_Notification_2024 July Subject: One Day Teachers Training Program for Skill Course ‘Beauty & Wellness (407 & 807)’ Offline Mode.
69_Notification_2024 June Bootcamps for the students of class IX and X studying Artificial Intelligence
68_Notification_2024 June Capacity Building Programmes (CBPs) for teachers teaching Artificial Intelligence in Classes IX - X
67_Notification_2024 June Pilot of the implementation of the NCrF guidelines in CBSE schools w.e.f. session 2024-2025
66_Notification_2024 June कौिल मिषय मित्तीय बाजार प्रबांिि पर ऑिलाइि जागरूकता प्रमिक्षण कायडक्रम
65_Circular_2024 June Faculty Training Sessions for Teachers teaching Employability Skills (classes IX-XII)
64_Notification_2024 June It is hereby informed to all the concerned stakeholders of the Board that the curriculum and content of the followin
63_Notification_2024 June Subject: Short activity program on 21st June 2024 on the occasion of International Yoga Day.
62_Notification_2024 June Result of CBSE Budding Authors Programme 2023-24
61_Notification_2024 June Subject: One Day Teachers Training Programme for Skill Course ‘Health Care (Subject Code - 413 & 813)’ Online Mode.
60_Notification_2024 June Subject: One Day Teachers Training Programme for Skill Course ‘Marketing & Sales (412) and Marketing (812)’ Online Mode.
59_Notification_2024 June Subject: One Day Teachers Training Programme for Skill Course ‘Salesmanship (831)’ Online Mode.
58_Notification_2024 May Subject: National Automobile Olympiad – 2024 – reg.
57_Notification_2024 May Subject: One Day Teachers Training Programme for Skill Course ‘Library & Information Science (836)’ Online Mode.
56_Notification_2024 May Subject : One Day Teachers Training Programme for Skill Course ‘Horticulture (816)’.
55_Notification_2024 April सीबीएसई/निदेशक (एसई)/यूएस/2024
54_Notification_2024 April Exposure Visit of CBSE School Principals to Organizations/ Institutions of Eminence in India
52_Notification_2024 April Subject: One Day Teachers Training Programme for Skill Course ‘Retail (Subject Code - 401 & 801)’.
50_Notification_2024 April मवषयः कककका XI-XII मेे 'मवतततीय बाजार पपपबंिि' पढािे वाले मिकककको ंके मलए कककमता मिमाडण कायडकककम (सी. बी. पी.)।
49_Notification_2024 April Subject: - Training/Capacity building programs for the teachers teaching ‘INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY’ (Sub. Code - 402) as a Skill Subject in the CBSE affiliated Schools -reg
48_Notification_2024 April Invitation to participate in the conference for promoting Sports & Physical Education in CBSE Schools in collaboration with SPEFL-SC
47_Notification_2024 April India AI Impact Festival 2024
46_Notification_2024 April One Day Teacher’s Training/Capacity Building program for the teachers teaching Food Production (Sub. Code – 409/809) as a Skill Subject - reg.
45_Notification_2024 April Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII), Ahmedabad is planning to conduct to "School Teachers’ Development Programme in Entrepreneurship Mentoring" from 13 th May to 1 7 th May, 2024
44_Notification_2024 April Bootcamps for the students of class IX and X studying Artificial Intelligence
43_Notification_2024 April Capacity Building Programmes (CBPs) for teachers teaching Artificial Intelligence in Classes IX - X
42_Notification_2024 March Subject: One Day Teachers Training Programme for Skill Course ‘Horticulture (81 6)’.
41_Notification_2024 March Subject: One Day Teachers Training Programme for Skill Course ‘Library & Information Science (836)’.
40_Notification_2024 March Sensitization/Awareness Programme on National Credit Framework (NCrF)
39_Notification_2024 March Nominations for the 2024 UNESCO Prize for Girls' and Women's Education.
38_Notification_2024 March Exposure Visit of CBSE School Principals to Organizations/ Institutions of Eminence in India
37_Notification_2024 March Sensitization/ Awareness Programmes on National Credit Framework (NCrF)
36_Notification_2024 March One Day Teacher’s Training/Capacity Building program for the teachers teaching ‘Textile Design (Code-829)’ as a Skill Subject - reg.
35_Notification_2024 March NOTIFICATION
34_Notification_2024 March Sensitization/ Awareness Programmes on National Credit Framework (NCrF)
33_Notification_2024 March Faculty Training Sessions for Teachers teaching Employability Skills (classes IX-XII)
28_Notification_2024 March One Day Teacher’s Training/Capacity Building program for the teachers teaching ‘Food Nutrition & Dietetics (Sub. Code – 834)’ as a Skill Subject - reg
31_Notification_2024 March Results: CBSE National Science Exhibition 2023 – 2024 (01 st to 03 rd February, 2024)
30_Notification_2024 March NATIONAL YOUTH PARLIAMENT FESTIVAL 2024
29_Notification_2024 March Subject: CBSE Games Policy (Guidelines)
27_Notification_2024 February One Day Teacher’s Training/Capacity Building program for the teachers teaching ‘Fashion Studies (Code-837)’ as a Skill Subject - reg.
26_Notification_2024 February One Day Teacher’s Training/Capacity Building program for the teachers teaching ‘Multi Media, Mass Media & Photography (Sub. Code – 415/821/835)’ as a Skill Subject - reg.
25_Notification_2024 February Subject: - Sensitization/ Awareness Programmes on National Credit Framework (NCrF)
24_Notification_2024 February Sensitization/ Awareness Programmes on National Credit Framework (NCrF)
23_Notification_2024 February One Day Teacher’s Training/Capacity Building program for the teachers teaching Food Production (Sub. Code – 409/809) as a Skill Subject - reg.
22_Notification_2024 February Interactive session with Principals for sharing the initiatives being taken by CBSE for promotion Future Technologies in schools
21_Notification_2024 February Online Awareness Training Programme for various Skill Subjects (Class IX to XII)
20_Notification_2024 February Sensitization Programme on Financial Literacy and use of Digital Tools
19_Notification_2024 February Schedule of educators’ sessions under ‘Canva for Education’ Program
18_Notification_2024 February Sensitization Programme on Financial Literacy and use of Digital Tools
17_Notification_2024 February Collaboration with Canva for ‘Canva for Education’ Program
16_Notification_2024 February One Day Teacher’s Training/Capacity Building program for the teachers teaching ‘Information Technology (Sub. Code – 802) as a Skill Subject- reg
15_Notification_2024 February मिमिननन कौिल मिषयो ोोकककका 9 िी एिोो 10 िी के मलए ऑनलाइन जागररकता पपपमिकककण कायडकककम
13_Notification_2024 February Schedule of teacher training sessions on Digital Creativity Skills
12_Notification_2024 January Result of the Culmination Event of Skill Expo held at Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala) on 1 2 th January, 2024 is hereby declared:
11_Notification_2024 January Āryabhaṭa Ganit Challenge – 2023
10_Notification_2024 January Webinar for Heads of the Schools/ Principals/ Vice Principals of CBSE Affiliated Schools
09_Notification_2024 January Collaboration with Adobe on Digital Creativity Skills powered by Adobe Express
08_Notification_2024 January Webinar on implementation of National Credit Framework (NCrF) in schools
07_Notification_2024 January मिषयः कककका XI-XII मेे 'मितततीय बाजार पपपबंिन' पढाने िाले मिकककको ंके मलए कककमता मनमाडण कायडकककम (सी. बी. पी.)।
06_Notification_2024 January शवषय:समगगग पपपगशि काररड (फाउंररेिनल सससेज)के शलए ओररएंटेिन कायडकककम
04_Notification_2024 January साररवजनिक चेताररिी
03_Notification_2024 January CBSE National Science Exhibition 2023-24
02_Notification_2024 January CBSE Skill Expo and National Guidance Festival – 2023
01_Notification_2024 January ववषय : SQAAF पोटटल पर ससव-मूललयांकन की अंशिम शिशि मेे पररविनट सममबंशिि
82_Notification_2023 December शिष‍: फाउााडेििल्सससेज्के्शलए्समगगग्पपपगशि्काड
81_Notification_2023 December Result CBSE Reading Challenge 2023-24
80_Notification_2023 December Subject: Extension of dates for the Budding Authors Programme 2023-24
79_Notification_2023 December Subject: VIVO Ignite: Technology and Innovatton Awards 2023
78_Notification_2023 November RESULT OF 2 nd EXPRESSION SERIES FOR THE SESSION 2023-24
77_Notification_2023 November CBSE Skill Expo and National Guidance Festival 2023: Regional & Culmination Event
76_Notification_2023 November In continuation to Notification No. CBSE/Acad./US(AB)/Sc.Exb./2023/ dated 1 7. 1 1 .2023, it is informed that due to administrative reasons, the Venue for CBSE Regional Science Exhibitions
75_Notification_2023 November In inviting reference to the letter no. D.O. No. 1 -7/2023-VE dated 24 th November 2023 received from the office of Secretary
74_Notification_2023 November Sensitization Programme on Financial Literacy and use of Digital Tools
73_Notification_2023 November Subject: Yuva Tourism Clubs-reg.
72_Notification_2023 November Capacity Building Programmes (CBPs) for teachers teaching Artificial Intelligence to Class IX & X, in collaboration with Intel
71_Notification_2023 November Online Bootcamp for the Students studying Artificial Intelligence (Skill Subject) in Class IX & X
70_Notification_2023 November Capacity Building Programmes (CBPs) in online mode for teachers teaching Artificial Intelligence in Class XI & XII in collaboration with IBM
69_Notification_2023 November One Day training program for the teachers teaching ‘Library & Information Science’ (Sub. Code – 836) as Skill Subject-reg
68_Notification_2023 November One Day training program for the teachers teaching ‘Agriculture’ (Sub.Code – 408,808) as Skill Subject-reg
67_Notification_2023 November In continuation to Circular No. Acad. 120/2023 dated 10.10.2023, it is informed that the CBSE Regional Science Exhibitions 2023-24 shall be held as per the following schedule:
66_Notification_2023 November Sub: One Day training program for the teachers teaching ‘Web Application’ (Subject Code -803) as Skill Subject - r
65_Notification_2023 November One Day training program for the teachers teaching ‘Retail’ (Sub.Code – 401 & 801) as Skill Subject-reg
64_Notification_2023 November विषय : आई. सी. एस. आई. िाविज्य ओलंवियाड
63_Notification_2023 November Subject: Online Awareness programme on Financial Markets Management
62_Notification_2023 November Subject: Conclave on Financial Literacy
61_Notification_2023 November With reference to CBSE circular no. Acad-115/2023 dated 29th September 2023, regarding CBSE Heritage India Quiz-2023, the details of the first round of Online Quiz will be conducted as follows:
60_Notification_2023 October CBSE Science Exhibition 2023-24
59_Notification_2023 October One Day training program for the teachers teaching ‘INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY’ (Sub. Code - 802) as Skill Subject-reg
58_Notification_2023 October One Day training program for the teachers teaching ‘INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY’ (Sub. Code - 802) as Skill Subject-reg
57_Notification_2023 October One Day Training Program for the Teachers of ‘HEALTH CARE’ Subject (Sub. Code - 813)
56_Notification_2023 October Sub: Beware from fake Scouts and Guide organizations-reg
55_Notification_2023 October Formation of School Innovation Council (SIC) in all CBSE schools
54_Notification_2023 October Sensitization Programme on Financial Literacy and use of Digital Tools
53_Notification_2023 October CBSE Skill Expo and National Guidance Festival 2023: Regional Events
52_Notification_2023 October Online Bootcamp for students studying Artificial Intelligence (Skill Subject) in classes IX/X
51_Notification_2023 September Capacity Building Programmes (CBPs) for Teachers Teaching Artificial Intelligence
50_Notification_2023 September YOUTH IDEATHON 2023
49_Notification_2023 September Orientation Session on Artificial Intelligence for Principals/ Heads of Institutions
48_Notification_2023 September Result of the CBSE Budding Authors Programme
47_Notification_2023 September िषयः 11िीीं-12िीीं कक्षा में 'टू ररज्म' मिषय पढाने िाले मिक्षकोीं के मलए क्षमता मनमाडण कायडक्रम (CBP)
46_Notification_2023 September Postponement of CBSE Skill Expo and National Guidance Festival – 2023
45_Notification_2023 September In light of the Nipah Virus outbreak at Kozhikode District (Kerela), the Indian Institute of Management– Kozhikode (IIM–Kozhikode) has decided to postpone the CBSE Exposure Visit of the School Principals/ Heads of Institutions originally scheduled for the 28th and 29th of September 2023 (Thursday & Friday). We deeply regret any inconvenience caused due to this situation.
44_Notification_2023 September Intel® AI Global Impact Festival 2023
43_Notification_2023 September ववषय: एंटरप्रेन्योरशिप सेल, आईआईटी बॉम्बे द्वारा स्कू ल के छात्रों के शलए वबज़नेस मॉडल प्रशियोशििा
42_Notification_2023 August Sensitization Programme on Financial Literacy and use of Digital Tools
41_Notification_2023 August Sensitization Programme on Financial Literacy and use of Digital Tools
40_Notification_2023 August SkillsBuild Program & Orientation Session on Generative AI in collaboration with IBM
39_Notification_2023 August National Automobile Olympiad 2023
38_Notification_2023 August Announcement of Winners of the CBSE National Coding Challenge 2023
37_Notification_2023 August National Space Innovation Challenge 2023
36_Notification_2023 August Result CBSE Science Challenge 2023-24
35_Notification_2023 August CBSE has been receiving multiple queries regarding the Technical Vocational Subjects being offered by the Board, which can be considered for admission to 1st year B.E./B.Tech. and other professional courses in Higher Educational Institutes. It is clarified that the following subjects offered by CBSE at Senior Secondary Level (Class XI & XII) come under technical vocational subjects:
93_Circular_2023 August Subject: – “Meri Mati Mera Desh” 2023
34_Notification_2023 July Orientation Session for Principals/Heads of Institutions & Capacity Building Programs for Teachers on Augmented Reality/ Virtual Reality (AR-VR) and Digital Citizenship (Skill Module for Middle School)
33_Notification_2023 July Interactive session with Principals for sharing the initiatives being taken by CBSE for promotion of Skill Education in schools to be held in Ranchi
32_Notification_2023 July Capacity Building Programmes (CBPs) for teachers teaching Artificial Intelligence to Class IX & X, in collaboration with Intel
31_Notification_2023 July Online Bootcamp for the Students Class IX & X Studying Artificial Intelligence
30_Notification_2023 July In continuation to Circular No. Skill-70/2023 dated 08.06.2023 and the virtual orientation meeting held on 14.06.2023 regarding the "Special Opportunity for CBSE students to participate in the NCHMCT Counselling for admission to Hospitality-Based Courses."
29_Notification_2023 July ‘Skill Yatra Campaign’ for Skill Awareness
28_Notification_2023 June One Day Training Program for the Teachers of ‘Yoga’ Subject (Sub. Code - 841)
27_Notification_2023 June G20 Exhibition Pune 2023 - showcasing the initiatives of Foundation Literacy and Numeracy, Digital Initiatives, Future of Work
26_Notification_2023 June AI Global Impact Festival 2023
25_Notification_2023 May Online Awareness Training Programme for various Skill Subjects
24_Notification_2023 April Capacity Building Programmes (CBPs) for teachers teaching Artificial Intelligence to Class IX & X, in collaboration with Intel
23_Notification_2023 April School Teachers’ Development Programme in Entrepreneurship Mentoring
22_Notification_2023 March Sensitization Programme on Financial Literacy and use of Digital Tools
21_Notification_2023 March Online Awareness Programme for Actuarial Science
20_Notification_2023 March Extension of last date of registration for CBSE National Coding Challenge 2023
19_Notification_2023 March Exposure Visit of CBSE School Principals to Organizations/ Institutions of Eminence in India
18_Notification_2023 March Subject: Declaration of results of Āryabhaṭa Ganit Challenge-2022 – regarding
16_Notification_2023 February Awareness cum Capacity Building Programmes on Hospitality Based Skill Courses at Secondary and Senior Secondary Level
15_Notification_2023 February Capacity Building Programmes (CBPs) for teachers teaching Artificial Intelligence to Class IX – XII, in collaboration with Intel & IBM
14_Notification_2023 February The winning teams of the CBSE National Science Exhibition 2022-23 for the different subthemes are as follows:
13_Notification_2023 February Telecast of CBSE Heritage India Quiz 2022-2023
12_Notification_2023 February CBSE EXPRESSION SERIES ON “My India in 2047
11_Notification_2023 January Interactive session with Principals for sharing the initiatives being taken by CBSE for promotion of Skill Education in schools to be held in Nagpur
09_Notification_2023 January Online Awareness Training Programme for various Skill Subjects
08_Notification_2023 January Postponement of the webinar on Education Leadership
07_Notification_2023 January Webinar on Education Leadership
06_Notification_2023 January Integrating AI and Tinkering in School Curriculum (AIoT)
05_Notification_2023 January Result CBSE Reading Challenge 2022-23
04_Notification_2023 January Subject: One Day Training Program for the Teachers of YOGA Subject (sub. Code - 841)
03_Notification_2023 January Webinars on the theme ‘Teaching with Physical Computing’
02_Notification_2023 January Sensitization Programme on Financial Literacy and use of Digital Tools
01_Notification_2023 January The CBSE National Science Exhibition 2022-23 will be held on 07th , 08th & 09th February, 2023 as per the following details:
83_Notification_2022 December Sensitization Programme on Financial Literacy and use of Digital Tools
82_Notification_2022 December Interactive session with Principals for sharing the initiatives being taken by CBSE for promotion of Skill Education and Training of teachers
CBSE16_Circular_2022 December Subject: Pariksha Pe Charcha 2023 – reg.
80_Notification_2022 November In continuation to Circular No. Acad. 116/2022 dated 29.09.2022 and consequent applications received, it is informed that the CBSE Regional Science Exhibitions 2022-23 shall be held as per the following schedule
79_Notification_2022 November Awareness cum Capacity Building Programme on Hospitality Based Courses & Exposure Visit for Principals & Teachers of CBSE schools
78_Notification_2022 November Subject: Capacity Building Programme(CBP) for teachers on ‘Introduction to Tourism’ for Class IX-X
77_Notification_2022 November Awareness cum Capacity Building Programme on Mass Media for Principals & Teachers of CBSE schools
76_Notification_2022 November Awareness cum Capacity Building Programme on Mass Media for Principals & Teachers of CBSE schools
75_Notification_2022 November Sensitization Programme on Financial Literacy and use of Digital Tools
73_Notification_2022 November LAUNCH OF THE ‘AI FACILITATOR COMMUNITY’
72_Notification_2022 October Subject: Diploma Course in Guidance and Counselling (2023) – reg.
71_Notification_2022 October Extension of last date for Registration for the Business Plan Competition for school students by Entrepreneurship Cell, IIT Bombay
70_Notification_2022 October Responsible AI for Youth Program 2022
69_Notification_2022 October Corrigendum to the Bids uploaded on GeM Portal regarding setting up of Skill Labs
68_Notification_2022 October CBSE Science Exhibition 2022-23
67_Notification_2022 October National Level Competitions for students on Information/Cyber Safety and Security Awareness by ISEA
66_Notification_2022 September Sensitization Programme on Financial Literacy and use of Digital Tools
64_Notification_2022 September Intel® AI Global Impact Festival
63_Notification_2022 September This is in continuation of Notification 31 dated 7th June, 2022 with respect to the National Conference on Inclusive Education-2022 scheduled at Jammu
62_Notification_2022 September Awareness Workshop for the Principals and Teachers on Skill courses (Apparel, Textile Design, Handicraft and Beauty & Wellness)
61_Notification_2022 September Subject: Sample Question Papers for Classes X & XII for the current Academic Session 2022-23.
60_Notification_2022 September Capacity Building Programme(CBP) for teachers teaching ‘Financial Markets Management’ in Class XI-XII.
59_Notification_2022 September Webinars on the theme ‘Teaching with Physical Computing’
58_Notification_2022 September Integrating AI and Tinkering in School Curriculum: List of schools selected for attending the launch ceremony at NITI Aayog, New Delhi
57_Notification_2022 September Extension of last date for registration for the National Guidance Festival - 2022
56_Notification_2022 September Subject: Extension of last date for Opportunity for Teachers to undertake Action Research- “Learning from Practitioners” Program
55_Notification_2022 September Session on ‘National Guidance Festival’ and ‘Youth Ideathon-2022
54_Notification_2022 August To recognize the contribution of Teachers and Principals in the field of education, every year CBSE honours them. For the academic year 2021-22, CBSE is pleased to announce the names of the Principals and Teachers who have been selected for ‘CBSE Honour for Excellence in Teaching and School Leadership’.
53_Notification_2022 August Business Plan Competition for school students by Entrepreneurship Cell, IIT Bombay
51_Notification_2022 August Sensitization Programme on Financial Literacy and use of Digital Tools
50_Notification_2022 August India@75 (Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav): ‘YOUTH IDEATHON 2022’
49_Notification_2022 August Sensitization Programme on Financial Literacy and use of Digital Tools
48_Notification_2022 August This is in continuation to Circular No. Acad-83/2022
47_Notification_2022 August Awareness Programme on initiatives of CBSE for promoting Skill Education in schools to facilitate school to work transition
46_Notification_2022 July Capacity Building Programmes (CBPs) for teachers teaching Artificial Intelligence in Class IX & X in collaboration with Intel
45_Notification_2022 July Capacity Building Programmes (CBPs) for teachers teaching Artificial Intelligence in Class XI & XII in collaboration with IBM
43-Notification-2022 July Awareness Workshop at ATDC: List of Selected Principals and Teachers
Notice_XII July Notice_XII
1_Notice_2022 July Notice_X
42_Notification_2022 July Subject: Extension of date of registration for CBSE Teachers’ Conference on INCLUSIVE EDUCATION– reg.
41_Notification_2022 July ‘Horses Stable Junior’ by Atal Innovation Mission
40-Notification-2022 July Sensitization Programme on Financial Literacy and use of Digital Tools
39_Notification_2022 July Subject: Multiple Teachers Training Sessions to be conducted by CBSE in association with Google for the “Be Internet Awesome” Program- reg.
38_Notification_2022 July List of Teachers selected for one day Capacity Building Programme for Skill Course Food, Nutrition & Dietetics on 07th & 08th July, 2022.
37_Notification_2022 June Launch of School Innovation Councils
35_Notification_2022 June Outreach Programme by IDEA LAB, Panipat Institute of Engineering and Technology (PIET) for creating awareness amongst students and teachers about Emerging Technologies.
34-Notification-2022 June Winner Announcement of National CBSE Coding Challenge
33-Notification-2022 June Online Entrepreneurship Programme’ in association with Udhyam Learning Foundation
32-Notification-2022 June Subject: Opportunity for Teachers to undertake Action Research- “Learning from Practitioners” Program
31-Notification-2022 June CBSE Teachers’ Conference
30-Notification-2022 June Subject: AICTE-NEAT-Invitation to join Launch Ceremony of Future Technologies – “Digital Skilling” event for skilling, up-skilling, and reskilling 1 Crore students in the emerging technologies-
29-Notification-2022 May Subject: Online training on “Digital Tools for Teaching, Learning and Assessment of Specific Subjects” from 23-27 May 2022.
28-Notification-2022 April Extension of date for giving feedback on the National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Promotion Policy (NIEPP)
27-Notification-2022 May Study on skilling in schools in collaboration with NCAER – reg.
26-Notifications-2022 May CBSE Coding Challenge 2022
25-Notification-2022 May Teacher Training Sessions to be conducted by CBSE in partnership with Microsoft in May 2022
48-Circular-2021 May Subject: Secondary and Senior School Curriculum 2022-23
24-Notification-2022 April Online Teachers Training Programme for various Skill Subjects at Secondary Level (Class-IX-X)
23-Notification-2022 April Subject: Rerunning the NISHTHA 3.0 Courses 1-12 (FLN) - reg
22-Circular-2022 April Sub: - Teachers Training of Employability Skills component of Skill Courses
21-Notification-2022 March Inviting opinion and feedback on the National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Promotion Policy (NIEPP)
20-Notification-2022 March Online Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme (MTCP) on "Capacity Development for Administrators of Primary Schools by the Institute of Teacher Education, International Language Campus (IPGKBA)".
19-Notification-2022 March Orientation Sessions for Teachers on ‘Building AI Readiness’ bootcamp, in collaboration with Intel
18-Notification-2022 March Subject: NISHTHA 3.0 FLN Courses 11 and 12
17-notification-22 March STUDY ON SKILLING IN SCHOOLS
14-Notification-2022 February Subject: NISHTHA 3.0 FLN Courses 9 and 10
13-Notification-2022 February Subject: Participation of CBSE teachers, principals and counselors in 2022 IC3 (International Career & College Counseling) Regional Forums.
12-Notification-2022 January Teachers Training of Employability Skills component of Skill Courses
11-Notification-22 January Awareness Session on “Engaging and Inspiring the learners in computing through Project-Based Learning”
10-Notification-2021 January Capacity Building Programmes (CBPs) for teachers teaching Artificial Intelligence in Class XI & XII in collaboration with IBM
09-Notification-2022 January ‘UPSKILLING OF TEACHERS ON NEW AGE TECHNOLOGY’ by CBSE in collaboration with NASSCOM
08-Notification-2022 January Online Teachers Training Programme for Skill Subjects at Senior Secondary Level (Class-XI-XII)
07-Notification-2022 January Initiative for Research and Innovation in STEM (IRIS) Virtual National Fair 2021-22
06-Notification-2022 January Online Teachers Training Programme for ‘Banking’ Skill Subjects at Senior Secondary Level (Class-XI-XII)
05-Notification-2022 January ATL Space Challenge: List of Top 75 Innovations
4-Notification-2022 January Teacher Training Sessions to be conducted by CBSE in partnership with Microsoft
03-Notifications- 2022 January Capacity Building Programmes (CBPs) for teachers teaching Artificial Intelligence in Class IX & X in collaboration with Intel
02-Notifications- 2022 January Capacity Building Programme for teachers on Hospitality Based Skill Courses at Secondary and Senior Secondary Level
01-Notification-2022 January Teachers Training of Employability Skills component of Skill Courses
Acad-58/2020 August e-Raksha Competition 2020
. Acad-55/202 August INSPIRE Awards-MANAK Scheme
Acad-57/2020 August Online Essay Competition on the theme-Aatmanirbhar Bharat-Swatantra Bharat
Acad-56/2020 August Gandagi Mukt Bharat (GMB) Campaign
01 January Training and Mentoring of Principals and Vice-Principals of CBSE affiliated Schools in Association with IIM- Ranchi and IIM-Sambalpur | IIM-Ranchi | Schedule-IIM Ranchi | IIM-Sambalpur
02 January List of students selected for CBSE - INTEL AI-THON: AI Readiness Workshop at Jaipur
03 January List of Teachers selected for Capacity Building Programme on Artificial Intelligence at Ahmedabad
04 January List of Participants for Training & Mentoring of Principals and Vice-Principals in collaboration with IIM- Jammu & IIM-Vishakhapatnam
05 January Capacity Building Programme for Wellness Teachers at Delhi
06 January Regarding "Study in Gujarat" Roadshows
07 January Regarding Intel AI-Thons AI readiness workshops for students
08 January Participation of CBSE Teachers in IC3 Regional Forums 2020
09 January List of students selected for CBSE - INTEL AI-THON: AI Readiness Workshop at Ahmedabad
10 January Postponement of Training and Mentoring Programmes of Principal and Vice-Principals
11 January Result of the CBSE – Adobe Creativity Challenge for Students of Classes VI-XII
12 January List of students selected for CBSE - INTEL AI-THON: AI Readiness Workshop at Gurugram
13 January List of teachers selected for capacity building programme on Artificial Intelligence at Varanasi
14 January Postponement of CBSE Art Exhibition 2019 - 20
15 January Āryabhaṭa Ganit Challenge Result
16 January Regarding Training of Principals and Teachers through Hubs of Learning
17 January List of Teachers selected for a One Day Capacity Building Programme for Wellness Teachers
18 January Interaction of Principals of CBSE affiliated schools Mumbai
19 January Interaction of Principals of CBSE affiliated schools in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana
20 January Regarding Art Competition at Hyderabad
21 January Results - CBSE National Science Exhibition/Fair 2019 – 2020 (16th to 18th January, 2020)
22 January Regarding Study in Gujarat Roadshows
23 January Postponement of Interaction of Principals of CBSE affiliated schools in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana
24 January Postponement of Art Competition at Hyderabad
25 January Change of Date for CBSE - Intel AI-THON at Kolkata
26 January Training & Mentoring Programme for Principals and Vice-Principals on January, 27-31, 2020 in collaboration with IIM-Ranchi has been postponed
28 January List of students selected for CBSE - INTEL AI-THON: AI readiness workshop at Dharamshala & Kolkata
29 January List of students selected for CBSE - INTEL AI-THON: AI readiness workshop at Mumbai
30 January Jurisdiction of the Centre of Excellences (CoEs) of the Board re-defined
31 January List of Participants for Training and Mentoring of Principals & Vice-Principals at IIM-Sambalpur
32 February List of students selected for CBSE-INTEL AI-THON:AI readiness workshop at Cochin
33 February Details of CBSE Online Reading Challenge Round-II
34 February List of students selected for CBSE-INTEL AI-THON:AI readiness workshop at Hyderabad & Jalandhar
35 February Capacity Building Programmes for the teachers of Kendriya Vidyalayas on Artificial Intelligence in collaboration with Intel
36 February National Level competitions for students on Information / Cyber Safety and Security Awareness by ISEA
37 February Orientation Programme for Principals/Vice-Principals on 'AI Integrated Multi-Disciplinary Pedagogy' in Collaboration with Intel
38 February List of Schools Selected for Participating in the Orientation Programme for Principals / Vice-Principals on 'Ai Integrated Multi-Disciplinary Pedagogy' in Collaboration with Intel
39 February Regarding Extension of date for Expression of Interest from schools for contribution of e-content on Vidya Daan
41 February Training and Mentoring of Principals and Vice-Principals of CBSE affiliated Schools (2nd phase) in Collaboration with IIM- Amritsar, Ranchi & Sambalpur | IIM-Amritsar | IIM Ranchi | IIM-Sambalpur
42 February Regarding One day workshop on C & C++
43 March Material to be used in various activities regarding celebration of the Constitution Day
44 March Regarding revised fee Structure for CBPs in foreign schools
45 April BRICS Math Online Competition 2020
47 May Awareness / Training Programmes on skill subjects - May 2020
48 May Online Awareness Programmes / Training Programmes on Skill subjects
49 May Training Programmes for teachers in Online mode on Financial Market Management
50 May Public Advisory
51 June Online Capacity Building Webinars for teachers on Artificial Intelligence curriculum of Class X
52 June Extension of last date for the National Level competitions for students on Information/Cyber Safety and Security Awareness by ISEA
53 June Online Awareness Programmes for Principal and School Management on Skill Subjects
54 June Regarding CBSE-WWF-India Wild Wisdom Digital Quiz
55 June List of the selected participants for the Online Capacity Building Webinars for teachers on Artificial Intelligence curriculum of Class X (Batch IV - 8th to 15th June 2020)
56 June CBSE Examination Preparation Contents for classes X and XII by National Digital Library of India (NDLI)
57 June "Australia Virtual Masterclass Series" for CBSE School leaders
58 June Online Capacity Building Programme for Teachers on Fashion Studies
59 June Online Capacity Building Programme for Teachers on Design (Skill subject)
60 June "Responsible AI for Youth" a National Programme for Government schools launched by the Ministry of Electronics & IT (MeitY)
61 June CBSE - Fit India - International Yoga Day Celebration – 2020
63 June PM's video message on International Day of Yoga - 2020

CBSE Circulars

Circulars No. Month Subject
05_Circular_2025 January Subject: Drawing and Painting Competition for Students of Classes 6 to 8 on Maha Kumbh Mela 2025
04_Circular_2025 January Subject: Submission of details of Art-Integrated Project at KALASETU Portal – reg
03_Circular_2025 January Subject: Organizing awareness program for Principals of the affiliated schools on ‘Innovation in Education Using ICT’ at IIT Bombay – reg.
02_Circular_2025 January Subject: Pariksha Pe Charcha 2025 – reg.
01_Circular_2025 January Subject: Initiatives to promote Skill Education in schools affiliated to CBSE
107_Circular_2024 December Subject: Veer Baal Diwas 2024 – reg.
106_Circular_2024 December Subject: Pariksha Pe Charcha 2025 – reg.
105_Circular_2024 December Subject: SATHEE Project – reg.
104_Circular_2024 November Subject: 6 th National Water Awards 2024 – reg.
102_Circular_2024 November Subject: Viksit Bharat Challenge Quiz as part of National Youth Festival 2025 – reg.
101_Circular_2024 November Subject: One Day Teachers Training Programme for Skill Course ‘Retail (Subject Code - 401 & 801)’.
100_Circular_2024 November शवषय: CENBOSEC (जुलाई-शदसंबर 2024) हेतु आमंशत्रत लेख के संदर्ड में।
99_Circular_2024 November Subject: Celebration of Constitution Day – reg.
98_Circular_2024 November Subject: Commemoration of Birth Anniversary of Bhagwan Birsa Munda – reg.
97_Circular_2024 November Subject: Two Days’ Capacity Building Programme for teachers teaching Multi Skill Foundation Course (skill subject with subject code- 416) in classes IX and X
96_Circular_2024 November Subject: Innovation, Design, and Entrepreneurship (IDE) Bootcamps - Regional Mentoring Sessions 22nd & 23rd November 2024 and 29th & 30th November 2024, respectively
95_Circular_2024 November Subject: Training of Trainers (TOT) Program under the SANKALP Scheme for various courses related to the Media and Entertainment Sector
94_Circular_2024 November Subject: Invitation to participate in ‘Create in India Challenge – Season 1’ for schools in ‘WAVES Young Filmmakers Challenge 2024’
93_Circular_2024 November Subject: Observing Vigilance Awareness Week (VAW) – 2024 in Schools – reg.
92_Circular_2024 November Subject: Rashtriya Ekta Diwas – reg.
91_Circular_2024 November Subject: Online training program on PRAYOG for Principals (Nov & Dec 2024) – reg
90_Circular_2024 October Subject: Guidelines for activities/projects for establishing Electoral Clubs and Democracy Rooms in Schools
89_Circular_2024 October Subject: Invitation to attend the 2 nd National Summit on 'Facilitating School to Work Transition'
88_Circular_2024 October Subject: Webinar on Electoral Literacy
87_Circular_2024 September Subject: Two Days’ Capacity Building Program for teachers teaching the skill subject- Multi Skill Foundation Course (Subject Code- 416) offered in classes IX and X
86_Circular_2024 September Subject: Amrit Kaal Story-Writing Competition for Students (Grades 9 to 12) – reg.
85_Circular_2024 September Subject: 2 nd CBSE EXPRESSION SERIES for the Academic Session 2024-25
84_Circular_2024 September Subject: Career Guidance materials on STEM, non-STEM, Skill and other miscellaneous (Interdisciplinary) career pathways – reg.
83_Circular_2024 September Subject: Guidelines for implementation of 10 Bagless Days in Schools – reg.
82_Circular_2024 September विषय: एन.सी.ई.आर.टी. (NCERT) द्वारा प्रकाशित ई-पवत्रका “सपनों की उडान” हेतुप्रविवियाां आमांवत्रत करनेके सांबांध में।
81_Circular_2024 September Subject: Extension of Last Date for Registration for CBSE Heritage India Quiz 2024
80_Circular_2024 September 30thnational Annual Conference of Sahodaya School Complexes – 2024
79_Circular_2024 September SUBJECT: Swachhata Hi Sewa Campaign 2024
78_Circular_2024 September Subject: Veer Gatha 4.0 – reg.
101_Notification_2024 August कौशल धिषय के रूप मेंफै शन अध्ययन (कोड-837) पढानेिालेधशक्षकोोंके धलए एक धििसीय धशक्षक प्रधशक्षण/क्षमता धनमााण कायाक्रम - सोंबोंि में।
76_Circular_2024 August Subject: National Sports Day – reg.
75_Circular_2024 August Subject: Setting up of ‘Composite Skill Labs’ in CBSE schools
74_Circular_2024 August Subject: Participation of all schools in the ‘School Innovation Marathon’
72_Circular_2024 August All Heads of Schools affiliated to CBSE
71_Circular_2024 August SUBJECT: CBSE SCIENCE EXHIBITION 2024-25
70_Circular_2024 August Subject: Book-Fairs by National Book Trust India – reg.
69_Circular_2024 August Subject: Extension of Last Date for ‘Registration’ and ‘Applying to Participate’ in CBSE Games (2024-25) – reg.
68_Circular_2024 August Subject: Āryabhaṭa Ganit Challenge – 2024
67_Circular_2024 August Subject: Observance of ‘Partition Horrors Remembrance Day’ on 14th August 2024 – reg.
66_Circular_2024 August Subject: Har Ghar Tiranga Campaign – reg.
65_Circular_2024 August Subject: National Space Day – reg.
64_Circular_2024 August Subject: Rashtriya e-Pustakalaya – reg.
63_Circular_2024 July Subject: The Indian Navy Quiz (THINQ) 2024 – reg.
62_Circular_2024 July Subject: Master Trainers’ Training Program for Design Thinking and Innovation on 9th & 10th August 2024 at Suncity School, Gurugram
61_Circular_2024 July Subject: CBSE Pre-Subroto Cup Football Tournament (2024): Venues for U-15 & U-17 (Boys) – reg.
60_Circular_2024 July Subject: Inviting Entries for eMagazine to be published by the NCERT – reg.
59_Circular_2024 July मिषय: के .मा.मि.बो. रीमर्ंग चैलेंज 2024-25
58_Circular_2024 July Subject: CBSE Games (2024-25) – reg.
56_Circular_2024 July Subject: Selection Trials at School Level for Participation in CBSE Games (2024-25)
57_Circular_2024 July Subject: CBSE Pre-Subroto Cup Football Tournament (2024) – reg.
55_Circular_2024 July Subject: Celebration of Shiksha Saptah (July 22-28, 2024)
54_Circular_2024 July Subject: CBSE as an Affiliated Unit of School Games Federation of India (SGFI) – reg.
53_Circular_2024 July Subject: Launch of ‘The Digital Educator’ Online Course for Teachers Offered by UNESCO MGIEP on Framerspace Portal - reg
52_Circular_2024 July Subject: CBSE Storytelling Competition – 2024-25
51_Circular_2024 June Subject: National Youth Parliament Scheme (NYPS) – reg.
50_Circular_2024 June All Heads and Teachers of Schools affiliated to CBSE
49_Circular_2024 June िवषय: CBSE Structured Assessment for Analyzing Learning (SAFAL)- 2024-25
48_Circular_2024 June Subject: CBSE Skill Expo and Guidance Festival – 2024
47_Circular_2024 June Subject: Interaction Programme on National Curriculum Frameworks on 25 June, 2024-reg
46_Circular_2024 June Subject: Celebration of International Day of Yoga (IDY) 2024 – reg.
45_Circular_2024 June Subject: Summer Camp in Schools – reg.
44_Circular_2024 May शिषय: SQAAF पोररटल पर ससि- आकलन से सााबााशधत-2024
43_Circular_2023 April Subject: Availability of Entry-Level Primers for Mother Tongues/Local Languages/Home Languages
42_Circular_2024 April Subject: 1st CBSE EXPRESSION SERIES for Academic Session 2024-25
41_Circular_2024 April Subject: Online Courses for Classes XI & XII Offered by NCERT on SWAYAM Portal – reg
40_Circular_2024 April All the Heads of Schools Affiliated to CBSE
39_Circular_2024 April Subject: Online Courses for Classes XI & XII Offered by NCERT on SWAYAM Portal – reg
37_Circular_2024 April Subject: National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission (NIPAM): Skilling Students and Teachers on IPR and Innovation – re
38_Circular_2024 April Subject: ‘Jal Doot’ Program under Jal Shakti Abhiyan: Catch the Rain Campaign – reg.
36_Circular_2024 April Subject: Participation in 1 8 th World Robot Olympiad India – 2024 – reg.
35_Circular_2024 April Subject: Gujarat STEM Quiz 3.0 – reg
34_Circular_2024 April SUBJECT: CBSE Science Challenge 2024-25
33_Circular_2024 April Subject: Implementation of the National Credit Framework (NCrF) in CBSE schools w.e.f. session 2024-2025 – Inviting schools to participate in the pilot
32_Circular_2024 April Subject: Webinars for sensitizing schools about the CBSE Handbook – “Disaster Risk Reduction in Schools (Classes 6 to 10)” – reg.
31_Circular_2024 April Subject: CBSE Budding Authors Program 2024-25- reg.
30_Circular_2024 April Subject: Assessment and Evaluation Practices of the Board for the Session 2024-25.
32_Notification_2024 March Sensitization/ Awareness Programmes on National Credit Framework (NCrF)
29_Circular_2024 March Subject: Secondary and Senior School Curriculum for the session 2024-25 and new textbooks to be published by NCERT for classes III and VI.
27_Circular_2024 March Subject: PRERANA: The School of Experiential Learning– reg
26_Circular_2024 March Subject: Adolescent Peer Educator Leadership in life Skills, Health and Wellbeing ProgramRegistration for Fifth Phase of Training Program-reg.
25_Circular_2024 March Subject: CBSE Reading Mission and Initiatives 2024-25-reg.
24_Circular_2024 March Subject: Promotion of Life Skills and Mental Health in schools
23_Circular_2024 March Subject: Filling of UDISE+ Data by CBSE Schools – reg.
22_Circular_2024 March Subject: Innovation, Design, and Entrepreneurship (IDE) Bootcamps from 4 th & 5 th April 2024 and 9 th & 1 0 th April 2024.
21_Circular_2024 March Subject: Training programme for Heads of all CBSE schools in collaboration with C-DAC
20_Circular_2024 March Sub: Art Workshop dedicated to ‘Viksit Bharat’-reg.
19_Circular_2024 February Subject: Jadui Pitara’ - a play-based learning-teaching material tailored for children between the age group of 3-8 years and Guidelines for Balvatikas (Pre-primary Education).
18_Circular_2024 February Subject: Universal Postal Union (UPU) 2024 - International Letter Writing Competition
17_Circular_2024 February Subject:- PM-DAKSH-DEPwD Digital Portal for Skilling and Employment of Persons with Disabilities ( Divyangjan)- reg
16_Circular_2024 February Subject: Inviting articles for CENBOSEC (Jan-June 2024) – reg.
15_Circular_2024 February Subject: One Day Teachers Training for Skill Courses ‘Marketing & Sales (412) and Marketing (812)’.
14_Circular_2024 February Subject: One Day Teachers Training for Skill Courses ‘Salesmanship (831 )’.
13_Circular_2024 February Subject: Parttcipatton of CBSE school students and teachers in
12_Circular_2024 January शवष‍: CBSE Structured Assessment for Analyzing Learning (SAFAL) मेे भाग लेिे हेतु शवदददाल‍ पााजीकरि
11_Circular_2024 January Subject: Extension of Last Date for Submission of details of Art-Integrated Project at KALASETU Portal.
10_Circular_2024 January Subject: Live Broadcast of Pariksha Pe Charcha 2024 on 29 th January, 2024 at 11:00 am.
09_Circular_2024 January Subject: Project Veer Gatha 3.0 Felicitation Ceremony.
08_Circular_2024 January SUBJECT: Observance of National Road Safety Month 2024 from 1 5 th January 2024 – 14 th February 2024 – reg
07_Circular_2024 January Subject: Calendar of Student Enrichment Activities 2024
06_Circular_2024 January Subject: Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyan – reg.
05_Circular_2024 January Subject: Celebration of Makar Sankranti on 14 th–1 5 th January 2024 – reg
04_Circular_2024 January Subject: Celebrating ‘National Youth Day’ (12 th January 2023) under the Program Pariksha Pe Charcha 2024 – reg.
03_Circular_2024 January Subject: PRERANA: The School of Experiential Learning– reg
02_Circular_2024 January Subject: Alert against a Sports Organization using name of CBSE for organizing and participation in sports events – reg.
01_Circular_2024 January Subject: Promotion of Disaster Management/Disaster Risk Reduction in Schools – reg.
136_Circular_2023 December Subject: Pariksha Pe Charcha 2024 – reg.
139_Circular_2023 December Subject: Live Telecast of National Program on Veer Baal Diwas (26.12.2023) – reg.
138_Circular_2023 December Subject: ‘Veer Baal Diwas’ 2023 – reg.
137_Circular_2023 December Subject: Submission of details of Art-Integrated Project at KALASETU Portal
135_Circular_2023 December Subject: Future Tech Olympiad – Assess students understanding of future technologies
134_Circular_2023 November Subject: Celebration of Bharatiya Bhasha Ustav – reg.
133_Circular_2023 November Subject: 3 rd CBSE EXPRESSION SERIES for Academic the Session 2023-24
132_Circular_2023 November Subject: Celebration of Constitution Day – reg.
130_Circular_2023 November Subject: Fit India Week (2023) – reg.
131_Notification_2023 November Subject: Expression of Interest to work as a Resource Person and providing the School’s Infrastructure for organizing the Teacher’s Training Programs for various Skill Subjects offered by the Board - reg
129_Circular_2023 November Subject: CBSE Budding Authors Programme 2023-24
128_Circular_2023 November Subject: Establishing Culture and Heritage Clubs in School with SPIC MACAY as Knowledge Partner – reg.
127_Circular_2023 October Sub :- State educational achievement survey (SEAS) PARAKH implementation
126_Circular_2023 October Subject: Extension of Last Date for Registration for CBSE Heritage India Quiz 2023
125_Circular_2023 October Subject: Observance of “Vigilance Awareness Week (VAW) – 2023” from 30.10.2023 to 05.11.2023 in the Schools Affiliated to CBSE
124_Circular_2023 October Subject: ‘Run for Unity’ on Rashtriya Ekta Diwas (National Unity Day) – reg.
123_Circular_2023 October Subject: Chandrayaan-3 Maha Quiz – reg
122_Circular_2023 October Subject: Implementation of PMKVY 4.0 in CBSE affiliated Schools under Skill Hub Initiative
121_Circular_2023 October Subject: Two Days Teachers Training on the Skill Course ‘Multi Skill Foundation’ offered in classes IX and X
120_Circular_2023 October SUBJECT: CBSE SCIENCE EXHIBITION 2023-24
119_Circular_2023 September Subject: Special Campaign 3.0 – reg.
118_Circular_2023 September Subject: Swachhata Hi Seva Campaign - 2023 – reg.
117_Circular_2023 September Subject: Observance of Mental Health Week in schools during 4-10 October, 2023 – reg
116_Circular_2023 September Subject: Extension of Last Date for ‘Registration’ and ‘Applying to Participate’ in CBSE Games (2023-24) and Participation of Government Category Independent Schools in CBSE Games – reg.
115_Circular_2023 September CBSE Heritage India Quiz – 2023
114_Circular_2023 September Subject: 75 days “Bharatiya Bhasha Utsav” from 28th September to 11th December, 2023 – reg.
113_Circular_2023 September Subject: Amrit Kalash Yatras under 'Meri Maati Mera Desh' Campaign
112_Circular_2023 September Subject: CBSE Adolescent Leadership Summit on Life Skills, Mental Health, Safety and Well Being, New Delhi (19 - 21 December 2023) – reg.
111_Circular_2023 September Subject: Extension of Last Date for ‘Registration’ and ‘Applying to Participate’ in CBSE Games (2023-24) – reg.
110_Circular_2023 September Subject: Indian Army Quiz – 2023
109_Circular_2023 September Subject: Extension of Last Date to Conduct Activities and Upload Best Entries of Veer Gatha 3.0 on MyGov Portal – reg.
108_Circular_2023 September Subject: Hyderabad Liberation Day Celebration on 17th September 2023 – reg.
107_Circular_2023 September विषय: SQAAF पोटटल पि स्ि-मूलयांकन से संबंशधत।
106_Circular_2023 September Subject: Inviting articles for CENBOSEC (July - December 2023) – reg
105_Circular_2023 September Subject: CBSE Skill Expo and National Guidance Festival (Guwahati event) – 2023 – reg.
104_Circular_2023 September शिष‍:्िफ़ल पा‍लट्(SAFAL Pilot) फरिरी्2023्ररपोटट्जारी
103_Circular_2023 August Subject: Swachhata Pakhwada 2023 – reg.
102_Circular_2023 August Subject: National Summit on ‘Facilitating School to Work Transition’
101_Circular_2023 August Subject: Formation of CYBER CLUBS in Schools for developing an Ecosystem to Prevent Cybercrime-reg.
100_Circular_2022 August All the Heads of Schools affiliated to CBSE Under Independent Private Category of Schools
99_Circular_2023 August Subject: CBSE Reading Mission and Initiatives
98_Circular_2023 August Subject: Two Days Teachers Training for Skill Courses ‘Medical Diagnostics and AirConditioning & Refrigeration’.
97_Circular_2023 August Subject: Project Veer Gatha Edition 3.0
96_Circular_2023 August Subject: Broadcasting of Chandrayaan-3 Mission – reg
95_Circular_2023 August Subject: CBSE Skill Expo and National Guidance Festival – 2023
94_Circular_2023 August Subject: – Five-day exhibition on the "Story of India's Partition
92_Circular_2023 August Subject: Har Ghar Tiranga Program – reg
91_Circular_2023 August Subject: Observance of ‘Partition Horrors Remembrance Day’ on 14th August 2023 –
90_Circular_2023 August Subject: Āryabhaṭa Ganit Challenge – 2023
89_Circular_2023 August Subject: Adolescent Peer Educators Leadership in Life Skills, Health and Wellbeing - Registrations for Fourth Phase of Training Programs
88_Circular_2023 August Subject: 2 nd CBSE EXPRESSION SERIES for Academic the Session 2023-24
87_Circular_2023 August Subject: Urgent Advisory regarding Fraudulent Activity of Wizcorp Edtech Pvt. Ltd
86_Circular_2023 August Subject: ‘Angdaan Mahotsav’ – Indian Organ Donation Day – reg.
85-Circular-2023 July Subject: Commemoration of 3rd Anniversary of NEP-2020 through CBSE - One Child, One Plant Campaign
84-Circular-2023 July Subject: Multilingual Education and using mother tongue as a medium of instruction.
83-Circular-2022 July Subject: Shiksha Sankalp – An Online e-Pledge – reg.
82-Circular-2023 July Subject: WizQuiz – All India Inter-School Quiz Competition by National Defence Academy (NDA) – reg.
81-Circular-2023 July Subject: Events to be Organized under the Theme ‘Tribal Empowerment’ under the aegis of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav Celebrations – reg.
80-Circular-2023 July विषय: कें द्रीय माध्यशमक शिऺा बोर्ड से संबद्ध विद्याऱयों के प्रधानाचायों के शऱए यूनेस्को विद्याऱय स्िास््य एिं कल्याण कायडक्रम ऩर अशिविन्यास सत्र के संबंध में.
79-Circular-2023 July िषय: "सुयक्षऺत ऑनराइन संचाय" विषमक ऑनराइन प्रशिऺण से संफंधधत.
78-Circular-2023 July ववषय: एसक्यूएए फ्रे मवकड (SQAAF) पर वेवबनार श्रंखला के संबंध में।
77-Circular-2023 July Subject: Self Nominations for the National Awards to Teachers 2022-23.
76-Circular-2023 June Subject: The Indian Navy Quiz (THINQ) 2023 – reg.
75-Circular-2023 June ववषय: School Quality Assessment & Assurance Framework (SQAAF) के पोटटल पर SelfLearning संसाधन की उपलब्धता
74-Circular-2023 June मिषय : "सुश्री हेलेन के लर : शवद्याशथियों के शलए एक प्रेरणा" पर वेशबनार।
73-Circular-2023 June विषय: "श्रव्य संसाधनों ऩर आधाररत ई-सामग्री का विकास" विषयक ऑनऱाइन प्रशिऺण.
72_Circular_2023 June Subject: Celebration of International Day of Yoga 2023 – reg
71_Circular_2023 June विषय: “शिऺा प्रौद्मोगगकी भें उबयते हुए रुझान” ऩय ऑनराइन प्रशिऺण से सॊफॊगधत
70_Circular_2023 June Subject: Special Opportunity to CBSE students to participate in the NCHMCT Counselling for admission to Hospitality Based Courses.
69_Circular_2023 June Subject: Compulsory online training program PRAYOG for Principals (July & August 2023) – reg.
68_Circular_2023 June Subject: P.N. Panicker National Reading Day, Week and Month 2023 Celebrations – reg.
67_Circular_2023 June विषय: "डिजजटऱ स्ऩेस में सुरऺा और संरऺा" ऩर ऑनऱाइन प्रशिऺण के संबंध में.
66_Circular_2023 May Subject: Inviting schools to participate in the Atal Tinkering Lab (ATL) Tinkerpreneur-2023
65_Circular_2023 May मिषय: पुस्तकालयोंके उपयोग को प्रोत्साशित करनेऔर पढ़नेकी आदत का संवधधन करने के संबंध मेंवेशबनार।
64_Circular_2023 May Subject: Two - Days’ Capacity Building Program for Teachers Teaching ‘Shorthand English’ (Skill Subject) in CBSE affiliated Schools.
63_Circular_2023 May Subject: International Museum Expo 2023 – reg.
62_Circular_2023 May विषय: के .मा.शि.बो. के क्षमता निमााण एवं अन्य कायाक्रमों के शिए ववषय वविेषज्ञ (रिसोसा पसाि) के रूप में ऑििाइि पंजीकिण हेतु आमंत्रण.
61_Circular_2023 May विषय: प्रवेिन प्रशिक्षण (गरुु दक्षता) कार्यक्रम का िभु ारंभ.
60_Circular_2023 May Subject: National Technology Week 2023 – reg.
59_Circular_2023 May Subject: National Level Awareness Webinar for Physical Education Teachers by NADA – reg.
58_Circular_2023 April Subject: International Al-Beruniy Chemical Olympiad at Uzbekistan – regarding
57_Circular_2023 April Subject: ‘Two Days’ Awareness workshop and Teachers Training with Assessment for Skill Courses ‘Beauty & Wellness’ (Class 6 to 8)
56_Circular_2023 April Subject: Two Days’ Capacity Building Program for Teachers Teaching ‘Fashion Studies’ (Skill Subject) in CBSE affiliated Schools.
55_Circular_2023 April Subject: Schedule of Webinars on introducing Skill Modules in Schools.
54_Circular_2023 April Subject: Art-Integrated Projects from classes I to X with Pairing of States/ Union Territories
53_Circular_2023 April Subject: ‘Children Sports Festival’ to be observed under Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav – reg.
52_Circular_2023 April Subject: 1 st CBSE EXPRESSION SERIES for the Session 2023-24
51_Circuars_2023 April Subject: Teacher Training Sessions to be conducted by CBSE in partnership with Microsoft
50_Circulars_2023 April Copy to the respective Heads of Directorates, Organizations and Institutions as indicated below with a request to disseminate the information to all the schools under their jurisdiction:
49_Circular_2023 April Subject: Sustainability Accelerator for Students: Accelerating a sustainability mindset in youth and advancing skills for green jobs – Announcement of Second cohort
48_Circulars_2023 April Subject: Introduction of Skill Modules for Middle School students under NEP-2020
47_Circular_2023 April Subject: Vidyanjali Program – reg.
46_Circular_2023 April Subject: Inviting Suggestions and Ideas for 100th Episode of ‘Mann Ki Baat’ Program – reg.
45_Circular_2023 April Subject: Assessment and Evaluation Practices of the Board for the Session 2023-24
44_Circular_2023 April शिषि :शिक्षक-प्रशिक्षण हेतु, “मागगििगन एवं परामिग” को िैक्षशणक वर्ग (2023-2024) हेतुथीम घोशर्त करने के संबंध मे
43_Circular_2023 March विषय: ‘प्रिस्त’ (PRASHAST) मोबाइल ऐप पर हितधारकों के अशिविन्यास काययक्रम के संबंध म
42_Circular_2023 March Online Capacity Building Programmes (CBPs) on Media & Entertainment Skill Courses being offered by CBSE at Middle Level, Secondary and Senior Secondary Level
41_Circular_2023 March All the Heads/Principals of the Schools affiliated to CBSE
40_Circular_2023 March विषय : शिक्षक प्रशिक्षण हेतुप्रशिक्षण त्रत्रिेणी ऑनलाइन पोर्टल आरम्भ करने केसंबंध में.
39_Notification_2023 March Subject: Secondary and Senior School Curriculum and Sample Question Papers for the session 2023-24
38_Circular_2023 March विषि: "नेिनल कररकुलम फ्रे मवकक – फाउं डेिनल स्टेज (एन सी एफ- एफ एस)" पर जागरूकता हेतुवेबबनार के संबंध में.
37_Circular_2023 March विषय: ''डिजिटल इंफ्रास्ट्रक्चर फॉर नॉलेि िेयररंग (दीक्षा)'' पर ऑनलाइन प्रशिक्षण माचच 27-31,2023 के संबंध में.
36_Circular_2023 March Subject: Mission Life Style For Environment (LiFE)
35_Circular_2023 March Subject: Inviting articles for CENBOSEC (January - June 2023) – reg.
34_Circular_2022 March Subject: Observance of International Year of Millets (IYOM) – reg
33_Circular_2023 March Subject: Universal Postal Union (UPU) 2023 - International Letter Writing Competition – reg.
32_Circular_2022 March Subject: Observance of International Women’s Day – reg.
31_Circular_2023 February Subject: Adolescent Peer Educators Leadership in Life Skills, Health and Wellbeing Programme-Registrations for Third Phase of Training Programmes
30_Circular_2023 February Subject: Online Course on ‘Catch the Rain – Jal Shakti Abhiyan’ by NCERT on Diksha Portal – reg.
29_Circular_2023 February विषय: 27 फरवरी से 3 मार्च, 2023 तक जादईु पिटारा िीर्चक िर क्षमता संवर्चन कार्चक्रम के संबंर् मे
28_Circular_2023 February Subject: Two-days’ Capacity Building Programme for Teachers Teaching‘Stenography Hindi’ (Skill Subject) in CBSE affiliated schools.
26_Circular_2023 February विषय: "मीडिया साक्षरता" पर ऑनलाइन प्रशिक्षण, 20-24 फरवरी 2023, सायं 4.00 बजे से 5.00 बजे - संबंधित.
27_Circular_2023 February Subject: Launch of the CBSE Reading App
25_Circular_2023 February Subject: Launch of CBSE’s Draft Learning Frameworks of Classes XI-XII For feedback from Principals’ / Teachers’
24_Circular_2023 February विषय: के .प्रौ.प्रशि.सं.(CIET),रा.ि.ैअन.ुएवं प्र.पररषद् (NCERT) द्वारा आयोजित दीक्षा पोर्टल पर आभासी प्रयोगिालाओं एवं ऑगमेंर्ेड ररयशलर्ी के लाइव प्रदिटन के संबंध में.
23_Circular_2023 February Subject: Future Tech Olympiad – To assess future tech readiness of students for a Digital Indi
22_Circular_2023 February Subject: The Atal Tinkering Lab (ATL) Marathon 2022-2023
21_Circular_2023 February Subject: Cyber Awareness Campaign – ‘Stay Safe Online
20_Circular_2022 January Subject: CBSE National Coding Challenge 2023
19_Circular_2022 January विषय: बाल शिक्षा से संबंधित अखिल भारतीय ई-सामग्री प्रततयोधिता (AICEeCC) के शलए प्रविष्टियााँ प्रेवित करने की अंततम ततधि के विस्तारण के संबंि में.
18_Circular_2022 January विषय: ‘साइबर सजगता अशियान’ के बारे में सूचना का प्रसार एवं जागरूकता के संबंध म
17_Circular_2022 January Subject: Brief Write ups on G20
16_Circular_2022 January Subject: Calendar of Student Enrichment Activities 2023
15_Circular_2022 January Subject: Live Broadcast of Pariksha Pe Charcha 2023 on January 27, 2023 – reg
14_Circular_2022 January Subject: Celebration of National Girl Child Day on 24.01.2023 – reg.
13_Circular_2022 January विषय: “शिक्षण प्रक्रिया को उन्नत करने के शिए शिक्षण प्रबंधन प्रणािी (एिएमएस)" पर ऑन-िाइन प्रशिक्षण के संबंध में
12_Circular_2022 January Subject: 4 th CBSE EXPRESSION SERIES for the Session 2022-23
11_Circular_2022 January Subject: Industry Engagement & Technology Exposure Program for CBSE student
10_Circular_2023 January Subject: Celebration of 18th Foundation Day of National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) – reg.
09_Circular_2023 January Subject: Teacher Training Sessions to be conducted by CBSE in partnership with Microsoft
08_Circular_2023 January विषय: 'सड़क दर्ु टघ नाओं से सुरक्षा के शिए प्रतिरक्षात्मक रणनीतियााँ' विषयक िेबबनार.
07_Circular_2023 January SUBJECT: - CBSE Storytelling Competition- 2022-23
06_Circular_2023 January Subject: Observance of Road Safety Week under “Swachhata Pakhwada” 2023 – regarding
05_Circular_2023 January विषय: "स्वामी वववेकानंद की शिक्षायें: वर्तमान ववद्यार्थतयों के शिए उनकी प्रासंर्िकर्ा" ववषयक वेबबनार.
04_Circular_2023 January िषि: के.मा.शि.बो. मेंएकीकृ त भुगतान प्रणाली पर फे स-टू-फे स/ऑफलाइन ओररएं टेिन काययक्रम के संबंध में।
03_Circular_2023 January Subject: Prevention of cervical cancer among girl students – reg.
02_Notification_2023 January िषय: दृष्टिबाधित छात्रों की शिक्षा के क्षेत्र में लईु ब्रेल के योगदान पर वबेबनार.
01_Circular_2023 January Subject: Integrating Skill Education in schools affiliated to CBSE
162_Circular_2022 December Subject: Sustainability Accelerator for Students - Accelerating a sustainability mindset in youth and advancing skills for green jobs
161_Circular_2022 December शिषि: 'शिक्षण प्रशिया में शिशिटल संसाधन के रूप में एशनमेिन' शवषयक 5 शिवसीय ऑनलाइन प्रशिक्षण के संबंध में.
160_Circular_2022 December िषि: के.प्रौ.िै.सं. (CIET), रा.िै.अनु.एवं प्र.पररषद् (NCERT) द्वारा आयोशित दीक्षा पोटटल पर आभासी प्रयोगिालाओं के लाइव प्रदिटन संबंधी.
159_Circular_2022 December Subject: Digital Exhibition showcasing the courage and sacrifice of Sahibzada Zorawar Singh ji and Sahibzada Fateh Singh ji on 26th December 2022– reg
157_Circular_2022 December Subject: Commemoration of 1st Veer Bal Diwas on 26th December 2022– reg
156_Circular_2022 December Subject: Commemoration of 1st Veer Bal Diwas on 26th December 2022– reg
CBSE17_Circular_2022 December Subject: CBSE Inter School Band Competition – reg.
155_Circular_2022 December Subject: 3 rd CBSE EXPRESSION SERIES for the Session 2022-23
154_Circular_2022 December Subject: Operational Guidelines for development of ‘Swachhata Action Plan’ in each school under Samagra Shiksha – reg.
153_Circular_2022 December Subject: Bharatiya Bhasha Utsav – reg.
152_Circular_2022 December विषय: मैशथलीिरण गुप्त जी के लेखन में भारतीय संस्कृ शत की महत्ता.
151_Circular_2022 December विषय: िीक्षा (DIKSHA) प्लेटफॉमड पर उपलब्ध आभासी प्रयोगिालाओं (Virtual Labs) के बारे में सूचना के प्रसार के संबंध मे.
150_Circular_2022 December Subject: Submission of details of Art-Integrated Project at KALASETU Portal
149_Circular_2022 November Subject: Fit India School Week – reg..
148_Circular_2022 November Subject: Celebration of Constitution Day – reg.
147_Circular_2022 November Subject: Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav - Har Ghar Dhyan Campaign – reg.
146_Circular_2022 November Subject: eRaksha Competition 2022 – reg.
145_Circular_2022 November Subject: Training and Assessment for Teachers Teaching Skill Courses Geospatial Technology.
144_Circular_2022 November Subject: Two-days’ Capacity Building Program for Teachers Teaching “Fashion Studies” (skill subject) in CBSE affiliated schools.
143_Circular_2022 November Subject: Training and Assessment for the Teachers Teaching Skill Course, Medical Diagnostic.
142_Circular_2022 November विषय: के .मा.शि.बो. से संबद्ध विद्यालयों में विद्यालय स्िास््य एिं कल्याण पर क्षमता संिधडन कायडक्रम प्रारम्भ करने के संबंध में.
141_Circular_2022 November Subject: Celebration of Janajatiya Gourav Diwas (15 th November, 2022) – reg.
140_Circular_2022 November Subject: Extension of Last Date for Applying to Participate’ in Āryabhaṭa Ganit Challenge-2022.
139_Circular_2022 November वषय: राष्ट्रीय जागरण एवं जयिंकर प्रसाि जी की भूशमका ववषयक वेवबनार.
138_Circular_2022 November ववषय: िैक्षणणक सत्र 2022-23 के शलए सतत व्यावसाशयक ववकास (सीपीर्ी) पाठ्यक्रमों के संबंध में.
137_Circular_2022 October Subject: Industry Engagement & Technology Exposure Program for CBSE students
136_Circular_2022 October Subject: Teacher Training Sessions to be conducted by CBSE in partnership with Microsoft
135_Circular_2022 October Subject: Āryabhaṭa Ganit Challenge-2022 – regarding
134_Circular_2022 October Subject: Āryabhaṭa Ganit Challenge-2022 – regarding
133_Circular_2022 October Subject: Extension of Last Date for ‘Registration of Students’ and ‘Applying to Participate’ in CSBE Inter-School Sports & Games Competitions (2022-23)
132_Circular_2022 October Subject: Extension of Last Date for Registration for CBSE Heritage India Quiz 2022-23.
131_Circular_2022 October Subject: Project Veer Gatha Edition 2
130_Circular_2022 October Subject: ‘Unity Run’ on Rashtriya Ekta Divas (National Unity Day) – reg.
129_Circular_2022 October Subject: Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan (2022-23): Science Talent Search Examination
128_Circular_2022 October Subject: Observing Vigilance Awareness Week (VAW) – 2022 in Schools – reg.
127_Circular_2022 October Subject: Formation of Hubs of Learning- for Collaboration among Affiliated Schools for self-improvement – reg.
126_Circular_2022 October Subject: CBSE Inter-School Sports & Games Competitions (2022-23) – reg
125_Circular_2022 October Subject: Global Handwashing Day (GHD) 2022 with theme ‘Unite for Universal Hand Hygiene’ - reg.
124_Circular_2022 October Subject: Stamp Design Competition under ‘Har Ghar AKAM Souvenir Aur Stamps’ Celebrations - reg.
123_Circular_2022 October Subject: Quiz Program to spread awareness regarding INTERPOL – reg.
122_Circular_2022 October ववषय: शिक्षक प्रशिक्षण एवं क्षमता संवधडन कायडक्रमों हेतु कथ्यसूचक “बहुभाषावाद” की घोषणा.
121_Circular_2022 October Subject: CBSE Adolescent Summit on Life Skills, Mental Health, Safety and Well Being (15-17 December 2022) – reg.
120_Circular_2022 October Subject: NHRC Award Winning Short Films – reg.
119_Circular_2022 October CBSE Heritage India Quiz – 2022
117_Circular_2022 September ववषय: दिन्द्िी भाषा के सम्मुख नवीन चुनौशतयााँ एवं मुंिी प्रेमचंि जी के दृविकोण से समाधान के उपाय ववषयक वेवबनार.
116_Circular_2022 September SUBJECT: CBSE SCIENCE EXHIBITION 2022-23
115_Circular_2022 September Subject: Scouts and Guides Activities in Schools – reg.
114_Circular_2022 September Subject: 2 nd CBSE EXPRESSION SERIES: ‘Tourism in India’ for the Session 2022-23
113_Circular_2022 September Subject: Online Training on “Virtual Labs for Teaching, Learning and Assessment”- reg.
112_Circular_2022 September Subject: Azadi Quest – reg.
111_Circular_2022 September Subject: Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan (2022-23): Science Talent Search Examination
110_Circular_2022 September Subject: INSPIRE Awards – MANAK Scheme (2022-23) – reg.
109_Circular_2022 September Subject: Inviting articles for CENBOSEC (July-December 2022) – reg.
108-Circular-2022 September Subject: Project Veer Gatha Edition 2
107-Circular-2022 September Subject: Year Long Commemoration of ‘Hyderabad State Liberation’ for the Period of 17.09.2022 to 17.09.2023 – reg.
106-Circular-2022 September Subject: Student Outreach Program - Road Safety: Roles & Responsibility
105-Circular-2022 September Subject: Data Submission regarding Poshan Maah and Pakhwada – reg.
104-Circular-2022 September Subject: Data Submission regarding Poshan Maah and Pakhwada – reg.
103-Circular-2022 September Subject: Rescheduled dates of Skill Expo cum Awareness Workshop for the Principals and Teachers on Skill Courses; in Agra on 21st October 2022 and Panipat on 31st October 2022 – reg.
102-Circular-2022 September Subject: Integrating AI and Tinkering in School Curriculum
101-Circular-2022 September Subject: Industry Engagement & Technology Exposure Program for students of CBSE schools
100-Circular-2022 September Subject: Data Submission regarding Swachhata Pakhwada – reg.
“शिक्षक ददवस” September “शिक्षक ददवस”
99-Circular-2022 September Subject: Swachh Sagar Surakshit Sagar Campaign – reg.
98-Circular-2022 September Subject: Fit India Quiz 2022 – reg.
97-Circular-2022 September Subject: Swachhata Pakhwada – reg.
96-Circular-2022 September Subject: Shikshak Parv (2022-23) – reg.
95-Circular-2022 September Subject: Poshan Maah and Pakhwada – reg.
94_Circular_2022 August Subject: Awareness Workshop for the Principals and Teachers on Skill Courses Apparel, Beauty & Wellness and Handicraft in Agra on 9th September 2022– reg.
93_Circular_2022 August Subject: Two-day’ Capacity Building Programme for Teachers Training “Typography & Computer Application” (Skill Subject) in CBSE affiliated Schools.
92_Circular_2022 August Subject: Teacher Training Sessions to be conducted by CBSE in partnership with Microsoft
91_Circular_2022 August Subject: Training sessions for CS/IT/ICT teachers on ‘Be Internet Awesome’ program
90_Circular_2022 August Subject: Orientation on IBM’s AI Start-up School Programme for students to scale AI innovations
89_Circular_2022 August Subject: Two-days’ Capacity Building Programme for teachers teaching ‘Office Procedures and Practices’ (Skill subject) in CBSE affiliated schools
88_Circular_2022 August CBSE Budding Authors Programme
87-Circular-2022 August Subject: Cyber Jaagrookta (Awareness) Diwas – reg.
86-Circular-2022 August Subject: Har Ghar Tiranga Program – reg.
85-Circular-2022 August Subject: Restart of ‘3030 Eklavya Series’: A CBSE and IIT Gandhinagar Initiative.
84-Circular-2022 August Subject: Competitions being organized by Indian Knowledge Systems Division of Ministry of Education @ AICTE – reg.
83-Circular-2022 August Subject: Orientation Session for Principals on School Health and Wellness Programme-reg
82-Circular-2022 August Subject: Revised Guidelines for Tobacco Free Educational Institutions – reg.
81-Circular-2022 July Subject: Skill Expo cum Awareness Workshop for the Principals and Teachers on Skill Courses in Panipat on 22nd August 2022 and Agra on 28th August 2022– reg.
80-Circular-2022 July Subject: Skill Expo cum Awareness Workshop for the Principals and Teachers on Skill Courses Beauty and Wellness, Apparel, Fashion Studies and Textile Design in Lucknow on 5th August 2022– reg.
79-Circular-2022 July Subject: Awareness Workshop for the Principals and Teachers on Skill Courses Apparel, Fashion Studies and Textile Design – reg.
78-Circular-2022 July Subject: World Youth Skills Day – 15th July 2022
77-Circular-2022 July Subject: CBSE EXPRESSION SERIES on ‘Yoga for Fitness’
76-Circular-2022 July Subject: National Guidance Festival 2022
75-Circular-2022 July Subject: The Indian Navy Quiz (THINQ-22) – reg.
74-Circular-2022 July Subject: CBSE Honour for Excellence in Teaching and School Leadership 2021-22 – reg.
73-Circular-2022 July Subject: Orientation Workshop for Principals and Teachers on ‘Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality (AR-VR)’ {Skill Module for Middle school}
72-Circular-2022 June Subject: CBSE Honour for Excellence in Teaching and School Leadership 2021-22 – reg.
71-Circular-2022 June Subject: Free Online Course on 21st Century Skills for Teachers of CBSE affiliated schools
70-Circular-2022 June Subject: CBSE Honour for Excellence in Teaching and School Leadership 2021-22 – reg.
69-Circular-2022 June Subject: Nomination/ Entries for National ICT Award for School Teachers for the year 2020 and 2021 – reg.
68-Circular-2022 June Subject: Subject: Observing International Day of Yoga (IDY) on 21.06.2022 - reg. Reference: Circular No. CBSE/Director (Acad)/2022/52 dt May 05, 2022
67-Circular-2022 June Subject: Teachers Training on Skill Course Food, Nutrition & Dietetics on 07th & 08th July, 2022 - regarding.
66-Circular-2022 June Subject: Online E-Pledge Campaign ‘Say Yes to Life, No to Drugs’ (जीवन को ह ाँ कहें, नशेको न कहें) – reg.
65-Circular-2022 June Subject: Har Ghar Tiranga Program – reg.
64-Circular-2022 June Subject: Orientation and Teachers’ training programme on ‘Digital Citizenship’ {Skill Module for Middle school}
63-Circular-2022 June Subject: World Bicycle Day – reg.
62-Circular-2022 June Subject: CBSE Honour for Excellence in Teaching and School Leadership 2021-22 – reg
61-Circular-2022 May Subject: Celebration of National Reading Day, Week and Month, 2022- Reg.
59-Circular-2021 May Subject: Azadi ki Amrit Kahaniyan – A Video Series on Women Empowerment, Environment and Sustainability etc.
58-Circular-2022 May Subject: Jigyasa – The Heritage Quiz
57-Circular-2022 May Subject: Assessment and Evaluation Practices of the Board for the Session 2022-23
56-Circular-2022 May Subject: - Guidelines on Measures to Combat Ill Effects of the Heat Wave - reg.
55-Circular-2022 May Subject: Formation of YUVA Tourism Clubs in CBSE Affiliated Schools
54-Circular-2022 May Subject: - National War Memorial: Performance by School Band Group – reg
53-Circular-2022 May Subject: Training on Best Strategies from Remote, Blended and Hybrid Learning for School Leaders of affiliated Schools of CBSE
52-Circular-2022 May Subject: Observing International Day of Yoga (IDY) on 21.06.2022 – reg
51-Circular-2021 May Subject: Extension of date of registration for second phase of training programmes to be conducted under Adolescent Peer Educators Leadership in Life Skills, Health and Wellbeing Programme –reg.
50-Circular-2022 May Subject: Curriculum of Skill Subjects for the academic session 2022-23
49-Circular-2022 May Subject: Offering ‘Design Thinking & Innovation’ as a Skill Module to Middle school students
47-Circular-2022 April Subject: Pariksha Parv 4.0 by National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) – reg.
46-Circular-2022 April Subject: Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat - Bhasha Sangam Brochure
45-Circular-2022 April Subject: Adolescent Peer Educators Leadership in Life Skills, Health and Wellbeing Programme –reg.
44-Circular-2022 April Subject: Ganga-Quest (2022) – An Online National Quiz by Ministry of Jal Shakti and Tree Craze Foundation – reg.
43-Circular-2022 March Subject: YUVIKA - YUva VIgyani Karyakram (Young Scientist Programme)
42-Circular-2022 March Subject: Training and Assessment for the Teachers Teaching Skill Course, Beauty and Wellness (grade 9th and 10th).
41-Circular-2022 March Subject: Training and Assessment for the Teachers Teaching Skill Courses, Computer Applications & Typography and Shorthand (English).
40-Circular-2022 March Subject: Strengthening of Sahodaya Movement – reg.
39-Circular-2022 March Subject: CBSE EXPRESSION SERIES on ‘National War Memorial’
38-Circular-2022 March Subject: Setting up of ‘Skill Hubs’ in CBSE affiliated schools under the Skill Hub Initiative under PMKVY 3.0 scheme
37-Circular-2022 March Subject: The Atal Tinkering Lab (ATL) Marathon 2021-2022
36-Circular-2022 March Subject: Smart India Hackathon (SIH) Junior 2022 – reg.
35-Circular-2022 March SUBJECT: - Posters on NIPUN Bharat Lakshyas from Balvatika to Grade 3
34-Circular-2022 March Subject: International Women’s Day – reg.
33-Circular-2022 March Subject: Mental Health and Well-being Survey – reg.
32-Circular-2022 March Subject: CSIR Innovation Award for School Children (2022) – reg.
31-Circular-2022 March Subject: National War Memorial, India Gate, New Delhi – visit reg
30-Circular-2022 March Subject: Training and Assessment for the teachers teaching Skill courses, Office Procedures and Practices and Shorthand (Hindi).
29-Circular-2022 February Subject: ‘Saksham’ National Competition 2021-22: Essay, Painting & Quiz to promote awareness on Conservation of Petroleum Products to young bright minds – reg.
28-Circular-2022 February Subject: Election Commission of India’s National Voters’ Awareness Contest – reg.
27-Circular-2022 February SUBJECT: - CBSE Storytelling Competition- 2022
26-Circular-2022 February Subject: - Suggestive Activities Calendar for FIT India Movement (March 2022 – Feb 2023) – reg
25-Circular-2022 February Subject: - Introduction of Sanskrit (Code No.119) and English (Code No. 101) at the second level for classes IX-X from the academic session 2022-23.
24-Circular-2022 February Subject: Training of Fashion Studies Teachers.
23-Circular-2022 February Subject: Celebration of ‘Matribhasha Diwas’ (Mother Language day) on 21.02.2022– reg.
22-Circular-2022 February Subject: World Heritage Volunteers 2022 Campaign – reg.
21-Circular-2022 February Subject: Training on “Hybrid Learning" teachers Schools of CBSE
20-Circular-2022 January Subject: Principals’ / Teachers’ Consultation for CBSE Learning Standards Frameworks of Classes IX-X
19B-Circular-2022 January Subject: CSIR Innovation Award for School Children (CIASC 2022) – reg.
19A-Circular-2022 January Subject: Jigyasa Vigyan Mahotsav 2022 – reg.
18-Circular-2022 January Subject: Free Online Teachers’ Training Programme on ‘Conducive Learning Environment’.
17-Circular-2022 January Subject: Submission of details of Art-Integrated Project at KALASETU Portal
16-Circular-2022 January Subject: Heritage India Quiz: 2021-22
15-Circular-2022 January Subject: - Registration of PE Teachers for SAI LNCPE Foundation Level Training Program
13-Circular-2021 January New Year Greetings 2022!
12-Circular-2021 January Subject : Inviting citizen Registration for Watching Live Streaming of Republic Day Parade and Beating Retreat Ceremony 2022 - reg.
11-Circular-2021 January Subject: Training of teachers teaching ‘Multi Skill Foundation Course’ at Secondary Level
10-Circular-2021 January Subject: Principals’ / Teachers’ Consultation for CBSE Learning Standards Frameworks of Classes IX-X
09-Circular-2021 January Subject: Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Republic Day Celebrations in all the schools of the country, 2022 – reg.
08-Circular-2021 January Subject: CBSE Science Challenge –2021-22
07-Circular-2021 January Subject: Sample Question Papers for Term II Examination of Classes X and XII for the session 2021- 22
06-Circular-2021 January Subject: E-pledge against drugs – reg.
05-Circular-2022 January Subject: CBSE EXPRESSION SERIES on ‘My Vision for India @100 years’
04-Circular-2021 January Subject: -“National Youth Day” and “Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda”-reg
03-Circular-2022 January Subject: Inviting entries for the 26th All India Children’s Educational Audio-Video Festival (AICEAVF) – reg.
02-Circular-2022 January Subject: Public Outreach Programme: e-pledge against drugs – reg.
01-Circular-2022 January Subject: - Promoting and Sustaining Appropriate Hand Hygiene Behaviour Among Children - reg
129-Circular-2021 December Subject: Surya Namaskar Project on 75th Anniversary of Independence Day-reg
128-Circular-2021 December Subject: Online Course on the Indian Constitution – reg.
127-Circular-2021 December Subject: Bhasha Sangam, an initiative of DoSEL under Ek Bharat Shreshtra Bharat Programme – reg.
126-Circular-2021 December Subject: Extension of Last Date for ‘75 Lakh Post Cards Campaign’ – reg
124-Circular-2021 December Subject: Promoting Indian Classical Music and Culture – reg.
125-Circular-2021 December Subject: - 21st Biennial Conference of the International Society for Comparative Physical Education & Sports (ISCPES) on virtual mode from 16 – 18 December 2021 - reg
123-Circular-2021 December Subject: Launch of Essential Concepts Document
122-Circular-2021 December Subject: Indian Culture Portal of Ministry of Culture – reg.
121_Circular_2021 November Subject: Events for Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav – reg
120_Circular_2021 November Subject: Celebration of Constitution Day on 26.11.2021 – reg
119_Circular_2021 November Subject: Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav: DoSEL- DoP 75 Lakh Post Card Campaign
118_Circular_2021 November Subject: CBSE Reading Challenge 3.0
117_Circular_2021 November Subject: Online Training by CBSE – CoEs on Alternate activities for Science Practical work for classes 9-10
116_Circular_2021 November Sub: Launch of Adolescent Peer Educators Leadership Program in Life Skills, Holistic Health & Wellbeing – reg.
115-Circular-2021 November Subject: Celebration of National Education Day (11th November, 2021) – reg.
114-Circular-2021 November Subject:- Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav- FIT India School Week 2021 - reg.
113-Circular-2021 November Subject: Online course for Teachers on Action Research through DIKSHA
112-Circular-2021 October Subject: Extension of dates of National Online Art Competition – reg.
111-Circular-2021 October Subject: SOP for Sustaining Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Schools (WASH) – reg.
110-Circular-2021 October Subject: Alternate activities for Science Practical work for classes 9-10
109-Circular-2021 October Subject: Ganga Utsav–A River Festival: 2021 – reg.
108-Circular-2021 October Subject: Rashtriya Ekta Diwas (National Unity Day) – reg.
107-Circular-2021 October Sub: First step towards representing India at the International Olympiads: Enrollment in Indian Olympiad Qualifier (IOQ) Examinations-reg.
106-Circular-2021 October Subject: Training on “Hybrid Learning" for teachers of Schools affiliated with CBSE
105-Circular-2021 October Subject: Observing Vigilance Awareness Week (VAW) 2021 in schools-Reg
104-Circular-2021 October Subject: Webinar on integration of Arts and Culture in teaching learning practices conducted in collaboration with Google.
103-Circular-2021 October AWS Young Builders Challenge 2021
102-Circular-2021 October Subject: Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav: Special programmes related to Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose-reg
101-Circular-2021 October Subject: Veer Gatha Project in the honor of Gallantry Award Winners.
100-Circular-2021 October Subject: National Online Art Competitions – reg.
99-Circular-2021 October Subject: Celebration of Global Hand Washing Day (GHD) on 15th October 2021 – reg.
98-Circular-2021 October Subject: Online short sessions and quiz on ‘SECURING DIGITAL SPACE’ (1 st October to 31st October 2021) on MyGov Platform – reg.
97-Circular-2021 October Subject: Free online training programme for teachers on ‘Holistic Assessment’ in collaboration with Google.
96_Circular_2021 October Subject: Overcoming online gaming downsides – reg.
95_Circular_2021 October Subject: Observation of Mental Health Week from 4th to 10th October 2020- reg.
94_Circular_2021 October Subject: Observing ‘Cyber Jaagrookta Diwas’ on First Wednesday of every month– reg.
93_Circular_2021 October Subject: National level Cybersecurity Skills Game – inCTFj (Amrita India Capture the Flag Junior)
92_Circular_2021 October Subject: e-Exhibition on ‘Making of the Constitution’ – reg.
91_Circular_2021 October Subject: - FIT India Quiz 2021- Extension of last date of registration-reg.
90_Circular_2021 October Subject: NISHTHA 3.0 FLN Courses
89_Circular_2021 September Subject: CBSE EXPRESSION SERIES on ‘People who gave us the 75th Year of India’s Independence’
88_Circular_2021 September Subject: Webinar Series on Competency Based Question Development –reg.
87_Circular_2021 September Subject: Implementation of INSPIRE Award - MANAK Scheme 2021-22
86_Circular_2021 September Subject: Celebration of “Rashtriya Poshan Maah” in schools – reg.
85_Circular_2021 September Subject – Interactive online sessions during Open Days for school heads and teachers in partnership with British Council
84_Circular_2021 September Subject: FIT India School Quiz 2021, Revised Fee Structure – reg.
83_Circular_2021 September Subject: Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat Activities in Schools
82_Circular_2021 September Subject: Launch of the CBSE Reading Mission
81_Circular_2021 September Subject: 3030 Eklavya Series: A CBSE and IIT Gandhinagar Initiative.
80_Circular_2021 September Subject: Adolescent Peer Educators Leadership in Life Skills, Health and Wellbeing Programme
79_Circular_2021 September Subject: Elimination of identified Single-Use Plastics – regarding.
78_Circular_2021 September Subject: Celebration of “Rashtriya Poshan Maah” in schools – reg.
77_Circular_2021 September Subject: Celebration of International Literacy Day 2021 under Shikshak Parv on 8th September, 2021– regarding.
76_Circular_2021 September SUBJECT: ATL SPACE CHALLENGE 2021
75_Circular_2021 September Subject: Sample Question Papers of Classes X and XII for Term 1 Exams 2021-22
74_Circular_2021 September Subject: Shikshak Parv 2021
73_Circular_2021 August Subject: Cleanliness Drive for Swachh Bharat – Swachhata Pakhwada (1st to 15th September, 2021)
72_Circular_2021 August Subject: BRICS Math Online Competition 2021 – reg.
71_Circular_2021 August Subject: FIT India School Quiz 2021 – reg.
70_Circular_2021 August Subject: Aryabhata Ganit Challenge (AGC) 2021
69_Circular_2021 August Subject: Read India Celebration (RIC) to celebrate Readers, Knowers ,Gyani’s, Vidyavan and Leaders in School (standard3rd-12th) reg.
68_Circular_2021 August Subject: CBSE webinar on Use of Graphic Novels for Effective Learning
67_Circular_2021 August Subject: - Introduction of Communicative Samskrit and Communicative English from 2022-23
66_Circular_2021 August Subject: Launching of CBSE Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN) mission in line with NIPUN BHARAT Guidelines in CBSE Schools.
65_Circular_2021 August Subject: Training of all Secondary Level Teachers in NISHTHA Modules
64_Circular_2021 August Subject: Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav - Activities for Awareness in Students regarding India’s Freedom Struggle
63_Circular_2021 August Subject: Online Training on Pedagogical Leadership for Principals by the CBSE, Centre of Excellence.
62_Circular_2021 August Reading Literacy: Practice Book for Students
61_Circular_2021 August Subject: CBSE-NEP Webinar Series 2021-22
60_Circular_2021 August Subject: - Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav: Singing of Rashtragaan-reg.
59_Circular_2021 August Subject: Extension of last date of registration for e-Raksha Competition 2021 – reg.
58_Circular_2021 July Subject: Survey on Inclusive Practices in Schools affiliated to CBSE.
57_Circular_2021 July Subject: CBSE-Structured Assessment for Analyzing Learning (SAFAL) for Grades 3, 5 and 8
56_Circular_2021 July Subject: AI For All - A joint initiative by CBSE and Intel India
54_Circular_2021 July Applied Mathematics Student Support material for class XI-XII
55_Circular_2021 July Subject: Term wise syllabus of Skill Subjects for Board Examinations for the academic session 2021-22
83_Circular_2021 September Subject: Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat Activities in Schools
53_Circular_2021 July Subject: Term wise syllabus for Board Examinations to be held in the academic session 2021-22 for Secondary conduct of the Internal Assessment/Practicum/Project.
Acad-70/2020 September Career Opportunities in Indian Air Force
ACAD-69/2020 September Youth Parliament Programme
Acad-01/2020 January New Year Greetings 2020!
Acad-02/2020 January CBSE ART EXHIBITION 2019-20
Acad-03/2020 January Creative and Critical Thinking (CCT) Weekly Practice
Acad-04/2020 January Celebration of Pariksha Parv 2.0
Acad-05/2020 January CBSE Reading Challenge 2019-20 | Click here to Apply
Acad-06/2020 January Regarding Live running of the broadcast of Pariksha Par Charcha 2020' on January 20th 2020 in schools | Download Banners
Acad-07/2020 January Regarding School Quality Assessment and Assurance (SQAA)
Acad-08/2020 January Registration on the Web Portal 'National Youth Parliament Scheme'
Acad-09/2020 January Annual Training cum Orientation Programmes for Principals and Teachers on Examination-2020
Acad-10/2020 January Celebration of Constitution Day starting from 26.11.2019 and subsequent activities to be conducted till 26.11.2020
Acad-11/2020 February Regarding Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat Activities in Schools
Acad-12/2020 February Constitution of EBSB Clubs in Schools under Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat Activities
Acad-13/2020 February Publication of Book 'India-Unity in Cultural Diversity' by NCERT
Acad-14/2020 February Question Bank for Practice- Class X through DIKSHA App
Acad-15/2020 February Celebration of 'MatribhashaDiwas' (Mother language Day) on 21.02.2020
Acad-17/2020 March Celebration of International Women's Day, 2020
Acad-18/2020 March Strengthening Assessment and Evaluation Practices of the Board
Acad-19/2020 March National ICT Award for Teachers (2018-19)
Acad-20/2020 March Making the Quarantine Productive
Acad-21/2020 March Secondary and Sr.School Curriculum 2020-21 | Curriculum Documents
Acad-22/2020 April Introduction of "Applied Mathematics (241)" | FAQ's
Acad-23/2020 April COVID 19 Stay Safe
Acad-24/2020 April Letter to Principals
Acad-25/2020 April Introduction of Skill courses from classes VI to XI from the session 2020-21
Acad-26/2020 April Online Awareness Workshops/Training programmes for teachers of CBSE schools offering Financial Markets based skill courses (405/805) from Classes IX to XII
Acad-27/2020 April Live session by Experts for holistic wellbeing of School going children
Acad-28/2020 April Ganga Quest- An Online National Quiz on Ganga
Acad-29/2020 April VidyaDaan 2.0 invitation for contributing content for the curriculum of CBSE
Acad-30/2020 April Availability of Alternative Calendar for primary and upper classes
Acad-31/2020 May Introduction of Online Teacher Training by CBSE –Centre of Excellence(CoE)
Acad-32/2020 May Online Awareness / Capacity Building Programme on Artificial Intelligence
Acad-33/2020 May Art-Integrated Project for Classes I to X and Reporting of Implementation of Art- Education and Art-Integrated Learning by Schools
Acad-34/2020 May Alternative Academic Calendar by NCERT, Competency Based Education (CBE) and Role of Principal in its implementation
Acad-35/2020 May Self-Learning Material for Newly Affiliated Schools and CBSE Handbooks for Implementation
Acad-36/2020 May Release of CBSE Handbook for Principals, Handbook on 21st Century Skills and Handbook on Cyber Safety
Acad-37/2020 May 'My Book My Friend' Campaign
Acad-38/2020 June Fit India Awareness Programme by CBSE in collaboration with Sports Authority of India (SAI) under the Khelo India National Fitness Programme for Schools in online mode.
Acad-39/2020 June Online trainings for teachers on DIKSHA platform
Acad-41/2020 June Observing International Day of Yoga (IDY) on 21.06.2020
Acad-42/2020 June Celebration of National Reading Day, Week and Month
Acad-43/2020 June 'Yoga at Home, Yoga with Family' - Observing International day of Yoga on 21st June 2020

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